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5:55 am

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself, looking at my reflection in the mirror.
"I really look fucked." I said more clearly this time.

      I woke up late so I didn't really have time to fix whatever was going on with my face (it was a severe case of sleep deprivation and then waking up at 5 that fucked me up). After taking the quickest shower of my life, I brushed through my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I threw on some jeans and a shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. I was presentable, at least. What a great way to start off my new job, looking like I've been doing meth.

6:56 am

      I pulled in a parking space and sprinted to the café. I stopped just before the door to collect myself. I stepped inside with two minutes to spare. I was immediately greeted by my boss. I clocked in and he went through everything with me before it opened at 7:30.

7:20 am

      I stepped into the back room where I was told I would find my apron, name tag, and Amber. I would be following around Amber all day, learning how to do things. Sure enough they were all there.

      Amber greeted me with a wave and a handshake.

"Hi! I'm Amber, and you must be (y/n)!"

"Yeah nice to meet you!"

"Well your name tag and apron are hanging up over there," she pointed to hooks hanging on the wall where all of the employees' aprons and name tags were, "and welcome to the team!"

      I grabbed mine and began to put them on as Amber told me what a normal day was like. Our manager walked in the room.

"It's 7:30! You guys are late!" She said. She sounded pissed.

"Oh, I know, I was just helping (y/n). She's new. We'll be out in a minu-"

"No, you'll be out now..."

"Fine." Amber huffed. She guided me out to the counter.

"I don't get why she's so uptight. No one even comes in until around eight anyway." Amber motioned her hand towards all the empty seats in front of us.

"Yeah she was the same exact way when I first met her."

"A bitch?"

"A bitch."

      Amber chuckled a little bit.

"So how long have you lived in New York City?" Amber asked as she leaned on the counter.

"Only about two months now. How about you?"

"Born and raised."

"Ah that's so cool!"

"Yeah, I guess. So why'd you move here?"

"Um," I stumbled to remember the reason I've told people before, "I don't know, just independence I guess..."

"Oh, cool. So you look like you're either finishing up college or just out..."

"I'm 24, so the latter was right. I just graduated."

"I'm 24 too. It's nice to finally have someone the same age as me."

"Yeah everyone is so old here."

      All the employees I had met so far were either girls in their thirties who just didn't have their lives together, or retirees who decided to work again since they had nothing else to do.

"So you're working the same shift as me right?"

"Yep Monday through Friday, 7 till 2."


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