Of Course

424 14 9

3 Years Later
March 4, 2020
8:06 AM

       Soft snores came from beside me. He had stayed up later than I did, talking to his friends and family. I stuck around for as long as I could to spend time with Joji on his special night, but couldn't stay up as long as everyone else. I ended up falling asleep around 1 AM. Who knows how long Joj stayed up after that. He wasn't up partying, but rather FaceTiming his family after watching his TV debut on The Tonight Show with a couple of his close friends and I. He was video chatting with his family in bed last night after his friends left. I stayed up long enough to say hi to them and talk for a bit, but then must have fallen asleep.
        The soft snores continued. He was completely passed out on his stomach, his arm laying on top of my belly and his face turned toward me. I tried to gently move his arm, trying not wake him, but it did. He slowly stirred awake and smiled after seeing me.
        "Gooooddd morning..." He drug out the "good" as he continued smiling.
        I gave him a soft smile and a soft "good morning" back. We had been living together for the past two years, and waking up to him in the morning has never gotten old. Joji turned over to his side to face me, and I did the same. He grazed his hand over my upturned cheek.
        "I'm so proud of you, Joj..." I fondly said as he continued to stare at me.
        He said nothing. Instead, he smiled and pulled me into an embrace. We laid like that for a while until Joji moved back a little so that he could see my face as he talked to me.
        "I love this...I love you." He said as he continued to hold me in an engulfing hug.
        "What's got you all lovey-dovey this morning, Mr. Miller?" I giggled as he looked away from my face and to the ceiling. He was on his back now, my head resting on his chest as he continued to hold me.
        There was a bit of a pause, he looked like he was calculating his words carefully. I was left confused. Normally he has a quick comeback, or just smiles and shrugs when he doesn't want to be funny, but he was actually thinking.
        "What are you thinking about Joj?" I softly asked.
        He continued to look at the ceiling as he began to speak.
        "I was just thinking about...well, have been thinking about, making you Mrs. Miller..." He turned to face me when he said the last part, his lips pulling into a smirk.
        I smacked his chest gently and playfully as I chuckled a bit.
        "Yeah, whatever sweetie..." I replied while chuckling, completely brushing off his statement.
        We've talked about marriage before, but it's always been kind of as a joke. It's not that neither of us wanted to get married (in fact I've dreamed about marrying Joji since day one), but rather that we always felt like we were still young and had plenty of time. So, given this fact, I completely thought he was joking...until I realized that he wasn't.
        "No, (y/n), look at me..." He lovingly said as he scooted on the bed to get a better view of my face.
        I looked into his eyes and my heart began to race. What was happening?
        "These past three years have made me realize that there's no one else I'd rather wake up next to than you..." He continued as he grabbed my hand.
       I immediately sat up in bed and Joji did as well. He scooted up closer to me, still holding my hand. I was trying to hide my face, as I was sure it was bright red, but Joji tipped my chin up so he was looking at me again.
        "You stuck with me even after I royally fucked up, and you loved me through that rough patch..." He continued.
        I chuckled a bit as tears began to form in my eyes. Joji gave me a soft smile as he began to speak again,
        "You supported new through my transition to music, and I want you to know, that I'll stick with you through whatever life brings our way..."
        Okay, now tears were streaming down my face. I furiously wiped at them and tried to stop them from coming, but eventually gave up as Joji gripped my hand tighter.
        "These are good tears, by the way." I tried to croak out as I laughed and cried.
        "Well I would hope so!" Joji exclaimed as he gave a soft chuckle too.
        "Well, I should probably start wrapping this up...you might make me cry!" He laughed as he continued, "(Y/f/n) (y/l/n), would you..." He let go of my hand and leaned over to his side of the bed and rummaged around in his night stand.
He pulled out a small velvety black box. He climbed back over to where I was sat, and got onto one knee on the mattress. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful, modest ring. I didn't think it was possible to cry any harder, but I was. I gripped my mouth to try to stifle the sobs (and a little bit of laughter given the unusual setting Joji chose).
        "...would you marry me? I mean, (y/f/n) Miller does have a nice ring to it..." He smirked down at me as I sat there, a complete mess.
        "Yes! Yes! Of course you dingus!" I cried as I threw my arms around his neck and gave him the tightest hug I think I've ever given anyone. He let out a half sigh of relief half excited laugh into my shoulder as I continued to sob and laugh into his. We then we pulled away. He took the ring out off the box and then slipped it on to my finger.
"Wow, it's gorgeous, Joj!" I said as I admired it. Then I looked up from the ring, admiring the man who gave it to me.
"I love you so fucking much goshdammit!" I exclaimed as he leaned in and kissed me. I quickly leaned back though, as I was excited to tell everyone I knew about the engagement.
        "We have to go tell everyone! Oh my g-...I just...I just can't believe we're finally getting married!" I rambled excitedly.
        "Who said I wasn't done with you yet?" He seductively asked.
        I smirked and playfully smacked him on the chest again.
        "Okay, Mr. Miller, you have exactly thirty seconds to grab my attention before I go off and tell everyone I know about our engagement..." I playfully said.
        "Absolutely no problem." He replied, smirking, as he captured my lips with his and laid me back on the bed.


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