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1:45 pm

     "Alright I'm done with the groceries what do you need help with?" I asked as I walked into the living room.
"Nothing." George replied.

      I found him sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Goshdammit George I said I was gonna help you."
"(Y/n) it was a few cables to plug in, it's fine." He patted the couch cushion next to him and motioned me over. I plopped down next to him.
"Hey I saw your Playstation sitting next to the TV stand so I connected that too."
"Really? Thanks."
"No problem."
"I feel like I should repay you somehow." I said leaning my head back to rest on the top of the couch and crossing my arms. George did the same.
"Fine cause I know you're just going to keep saying that so... how about a game tomorrow. I gotta get going but tomorrow we can play video games. Ok?"
"That's it? Fine, I guess."
"What? You don't like me or something?" He sat up and smiled.
"What? No I didn't mean it like that."

      At that point I sat up also.

"Come over around..." I paused to think. "Afternoon-ish?"
"No you're coming over to my place."
"Why? You just set up my Playstation we might as well use it."
"But we spent hours in here already." He said with a fake whiny tone.
"I guess so. Fine. Same time that I said?"
"That should be good." We both stood up and walked over to the door.
"You better not fucking rape me or try to pull any shit like that."
"Wow I'm offended." He replied obviously joking.
"Just go already." I said while shoeing him out jokingly.
"Fine fine. I'll see you tomorrow." He gave me a cheesy wink and then stepped into his apartment.

       He was kinda cute when he would joke around. But fuck what am I doing going over to a man's place that's almost a complete stranger? I mean, he seems nice and all, but you never know. I guess I'll find out.

11:35 am

      I woke up and immediately looked at my clock.

Shit. I was hoping to wake up earlier so I wouldn't have to immediately get up.

      I reluctantly got out of bed and got ready. Just some jeans and a t-shirt.

12:00 pm

      I looked through the games I had because I wanted to at least bring one over that I enjoyed incase his were weird. I found my favorite, got up, and then grabbed my phone. I walked out my door and two steps across to knock on George's door.

12:15 pm

      The door opened and he leaned against the frame.

"Well hello there." He said in a seductive tone.
"Just let me in."
"Ok then." He chuckled.

      I walked over to his couch and sat down. He followed.

"Would you like some tap water?" He asked and I just laughed. "Yeah I'm just joking I got alcohol, soda, or...probably some other liquids too."
"I'm good, but thank you."
"Alright. What do you wanna play?"
"I don't know surprise me."

      He put a disc in and I picked up a controller.

2:00 pm

      "And what is that? About the 50th time I've beat you?" George asked cockily. I wasn't phased though. I knew I was bad at Mario Kart.
"Yep. Probably. I'm done." I laughed.
"Good idea."
"Shut up."

      George walked over to turn off the console and then turned to me.

"So... you wanna order a pizza? I'm hungry. I didn't eat lunch." He said as he sat back down next to me.
"Me either."
"Alright so I'll get it." He reached for his phone and called the pizza place.

      After he was done he leaned back on the couch.

"So what made you want to move to Brooklyn?"
"Good question. I don't really actually know. I kinda just wanted to get away and be independent for a while and I thought New York would be fun I guess."
"So you graduated college?"
"Yep. Fresh out. Mastered in digital art design and minored in music production. I'm a digital artist. I sell my work to companies and occasionally paint commissions. I'm just lucky I hit it off. My art can bring the money in. I sometimes make music too just for myself. I mean, I did learn music production so I might as well put it to use. Plus it's just fun."
"Pretty cool. I make music too, but it's just some love song trash."
"Really? I bet it's not. Let's hear it."
"Maybe some other time. I don't know."
"Come on. I bet it's really good. Do you sing?"
"A little."
"Then I want to hear!"

      He stood up to grab his laptop.

"Alright I'm giving you a choice because you're only hearing one."
"'Thom', 'You Suck Charlie', or 'Plastic Taste'?"
"'You Suck Charlie' sounds interesting."
"Final answer?"

      I nodded and sat back. George sighed and sat next to me. I peeked at his screen and saw the name "Joji".

"What is that your stage name or something?" I said pointing at it.
"What? Oh no, uh, that's just a nickname. Some people call me that. You can call me that if you want."
"Joji, huh, I like it."

      He smiled and then hit play. There was some weird Chinese or Japanese or something in the beginning. I couldn't really make it out and then he hit me with those pipes. Damn he was actually pretty good. The lyrical content was pretty good too. After the song was done I wanted more, but I knew he wouldn't play anymore.

"Joj, that was pretty good."
"Oh so now you came up with a nickname for my nickname?" He laughed. I did also.
"What you don't like it?"
"No I'm kidding. I like it."
"So who was that speaking in the beginning?"
"Oh that Japanese? That was me."

      I sat up.

"You speak Japanese?"
"I am Japanese. Well half Australian half Japanese. You couldn't tell?" He squinted his eyes trying to be as racist as he could.
"Well I knew you were Asian, but not everyone speaks their language."
"True true." He closed his laptop and sat back again.
"So what are you doing for New Year?"

      New Year's eve was tomorrow. I had almost forgotten about it because of all the moving. Moving right after Christmas didn't help much with the stress either.

"I don't know. I don't really do parties. I'll probably just stay home and watch the ball drop on TV."
"Aw come on you're no fun."
"Yeah but I really don't like parties, I don't drink, and it's not like I have anyone to celebrate with."

      It was quiet for a minute.

"You wanna come over to my place? I'll take you somewhere."
"We just met. I don't know."

      He sat up and looked at me.

"Look, I know we just met, but you're pretty cool and I wouldn't mind us being friends. You gotta give me a chance so we can get to know eachother better."
"Alright. But where are you taking me?"
"I got a place in mind."
"It better not be some crazy party or some shit like that."
"No no, besides I don't even have a party to go to. All my friends left to go back home and I didn't go to Australia this year."
"Alright I guess it's set then."
"Good. Now when's the pizza getting here?."
"I don't know you ordered it."


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