Long Night

377 14 1

1 Month Later
August 6
10:20 pm

       "If you even think about hogging the blanket one more time, Joji, I swear I'm gonna fucking kill you." I joked, but at the same time said somewhat seriously.
       Joji smirked and put his hands up in surrender. I swear he was like a puppy. He was purposefully pulling the blanket off me so I would look at him instead of my laptop screen. If he didn't get enough attention he would annoy you until you lavished him in kisses, played with his hair, or really anything that made you pay that much more attention to him. I didn't mind though, it was kinda cute. Plus, he always knew when to stop before I actually got angry.
Joji sat on the other end of the couch, fairly spaced out from me, flipping through channels on the TV. I sat with my back against the couch's arm rest, working on a new digital drawing of who knows what, yet. It was starting out as random lines and patterns, but I knew it would turn into something eventually. I could feel Joji begin to fidget at the other end of the couch and I was counting down the seconds before Joji pulled his usual number and pulled me off the couch or closed my laptop. I did feel kind of bad for him. I had told him I would only work on the drawing for an hour, but it took me a while to even get started, so it had been well over an hour by now. He came over to my apartment for dinner and I promised him we could watch a movie after I finished the drawing, but it still hadn't happened.
       Suddenly, I didn't feel his fidgeting anymore, so I looked up only to find him gone. I looked over to my kitchen island: not there. I turned my head to my bedroom and bathroom: not there. Did he leave? How did I not notice-
       "AGGGHHH!" Joji screamed while gripping my shoulders from behind me.
       I screamed, jumping up from the couch and dropping my laptop and drawing tablet on the floor in the process. Joji fell over the couch, hysterically laughing, while I picked up my laptop from the floor, inspecting it for cracks. Luckily there were none, so Joji was off the hook for that, but he was still going to hear it for scaring me for absolutely no reason.
Joji laid on his back across the full length of the couch, trying to catch his breath while still laughing. I marched around to where his head laid, a stern look on my face and hands on my hips. Seeing him laughing made me want to laugh, but I put on a serious face and feigned anger. If he was going to mess with me, I was going to mess with him.
       "George Kusunoki Miller!" I stared down at him.
       Joji stopped laughing and smiled up at me.
       "I'm sorry...I couldn't help myself." He said as he rolled over to his side, snuggling into his arms that he was using as a pillow.
       I pushed him back over to his back, stifling a giggle. He looked so cute in that moment.
       "You're gonna have to pay for that." I gave him a cheeky grin.
       "But I didn't break anything!" He pouted.
       "Not for my laptop, for giving me heart palpitations!" I yelled, making over exaggerated hand gestures.
       He knew I was playing with him now, but he went along with it.
       "Oh yeah? And what do I have to do?" He smirked as he stared up at me with puppy dog eyes.
       I pretended to think for a moment, before stepping forward and straddling him on the couch. I took his arms and pinned them above his head. I instantly felt Joji tense up at this sudden movement. We hadn't done anything since...well, since he started cheating. I didn't really have a plan for how far I would take it, but I knew that I'd be ok if he decided to have a little more fun than just kissing.
       Joji let out a nervous chuckle. I sat down on his lap while leaning forward to still hold his arms. I shifted a little on his lap so I could hold his arms better and he squirmed beneath me. I grinned.
       "Don't get too excited, there. I haven't quite decided what I want to do with you yet."
       Joji mumbled a small "fuck" underneath his breath and I smirked. He looked so cute when he was nervous. I think he deserved a little teasing after the fright he gave me, so I rolled my hips. Joji shut his eyes tight and groaned.
       "Sorry, just trying to get the best leverage..." I teased.
       I rolled my hips again and this time Joji spoke up.
       "Oh come on baby now you're just doing that on purpose!" He groaned.
       He tried to move his arms, but I pushed them back down.
       "Ah, ah, ah! I'm not finished with you yet." I said as I began to roll my hips more consistently.
       Joji let out a big moan that had obviously been building up.
       "Oh come on! This is just inhumane-"
       I cut him off with my lips on his. I let go of his hands and he immediately moved them to my hips. I grabbed his face and really leaned in to the kiss, until Joji pulled away and held my hips still.
      "What's wrong?" I asked as I looked down at his unreadable face.
       "I-I'm starting to...get a little...um, excited...and I think you should stop if you want to wait longer before...you know..." He averted eye contact.
       I couldn't help but giggle at his sudden nervousness.
       "Thank you for your sincerity, but who said I didn't want you to 'get excited'?." I threw up air quotes.
       All he did was blink. I don't think he could really process that this was finally happening. I leaned back down to whisper in his ear.
       "I wanna feel you underneath me..."
       Joji let out a heavy breath and loosened his grip on my hips. I leaned in to kiss him again as I put my hands on his chest, rubbing up and down in small, slow movements. Joji bucked his hips and I felt his erection press up against me. Perfect. I let out a soft moan before abruptly sliding off of him and standing up. I looked down at Joji and he looked absolutely dumbfounded. I giggled.
       I pretended to yawn and stretch.
       "I didn't realize how late it was! Maybe I should just go to bed..." I said as I turned around to walk to my bedroom, dramatically swaying my hips.
       "Fuuuucckkk!" I heard Joji whine behind me.
       I looked back to see him running his hands down his face. I turned back around to walk the remainder of the way to my room but barely made it two steps before Joji's hands were back on my hips, forcefully spinning me around.
       "Now I know that scare wasn't very nice, but leaving me on that couch was just downright mean." He smirked.
       I shrugged, acting unbothered. I wiggled out of his grip and strolled into my bedroom. Joji stood right where I left him, muttering under his breath,
       "Shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck..."
       I changed into one of Joji's t-shirts I stole and took my pants off. The t-shirt just barely covered the top of my thighs. I was about to climb in to bed, a little disappointed that Joji hadn't followed, but then Joji entered the room. I smiled at him and he stared at me.
       "Well, we could watch the movie in here if you're really that upset about not watching-" I was cut off.
       "I think you know that I'm not really interested in watching a movie right now..."
       Joji slowly made his way around the bed and stood directly in front of me, our chests almost touching. Now it was my turn for my heartbeat to quicken. Joji brought his hand up to just barely graze my cheek, looking down into my eyes.
       "Why don't you lay down?" He suggestively asked, or rather, demanded, motioning to the bed to the left side of us.
       All I could do was gulp and nod, climbing onto the bed. I felt a little silly, so I just sat, cross legged, in the middle of the bed facing Joji.
       "That's not laying down, is it?" Joji said as he stepped closer, his thighs pressed against the mattress.
       I slowly shook my head no, but before I could correct my posture, Joji was on the bed laying me back. Now he was straddling me and held my arms tightly above my head.
       "Hmmm, this reminds me of something..." He said, pretending to really think.
       I nervously chuckled. What did he have planned for tonight?
       Joji took his knee and parted my legs. He moved himself in between them, so that mine were wrapped around his hips. He bucked his hips forward and lingered there.
       I could still feel him against me. This was already torture.
       Joji began to kiss my neck, slowly moving down to my collarbone. I let out a soft moan and I felt him smile against my skin. He bucked his hips again, rubbing against my center.
       "Fuck..." I breathed out.
       Joji came up and planted little kisses around my mouth, before finally staying on my lips. He let go of my arms and grabbed my face, and then slowly trailed his hands down my sides, until finally resting them at either side of my head, stabilizing himself. I tangled my hands in his hair before reaching around to grab his back. We stayed there for a few moments before Joji pulled away.
       "What if I said 'It's getting late, maybe I should just go to bed'..." He whispered into my ear.
       "I-I wouldn't like that very much..." I breathed.
       "So now you know how I felt?" He asked, still whispering, his lips grazing my ear.
       "Yeah...please don't stop..." I was desperate for him to continue.
       "I don't know...you were pretty naughty back there on that couch..." He began backing off of me but I stopped him by hooking my arms around his neck.
       "Please don't go. I'm sorry..." I pleaded.
       Joji smirked, climbing back to his original position with me. He leaned in to whisper in my ear again.
       "Then tell me what you want me to do tonight..."
       My breath hitched. Was he really going to make me say it?
       "I-I want...I want you to...finish what you started..." I stammered, my cheeks flushed from embarrassment.
       "I said tell me...what...you want me...to do tonight..." He demanded into my ear, still in low, gruff, whispers.
       "But...but I just did..." I whined.
       "That's fine. I can just leave if that's-"
       "I want you to fuck me!"
       My breathing became heavy as I watched Joji give me a devilish smirk.
       Joji quickly climbed off of the bed and stood at its side, still facing me. His thighs were, once again, pressed up against the mattress. In one fluid motion he grabbed my legs, pulling me toward him on the mattress so that my legs were now hanging off the side of the bed. He then maneuvered himself in between them, leaning forward, and put his hands on either side of my chest, resting them on the mattress.
       His lips crashed against mine and he began tugging at the hem of my, or really his, shirt. He finally pulled it all the way up my body and over my head, tossing it behind him. I grabbed his shirt and threw it off. I felt him smirk into the kiss. He began to trail kisses down my neck, collarbone, down the middle of my chest, and then finally just bellow my belly button. He lingered there for a bit before moving further down to the inside of my thigh.
       "Oh fuck..." I moaned and grabbed his hair.
       Joji looked up at me from his position down at my hips and smirked.
       "Get ready for a long night..."

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