A Salute With A Sorrow

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For our every breath the
Soldiers take two
In the name of our nation
And the safety of me and you.

Buried under thick sheets of ice or
Blankets of sand dunes
Drowning under thrashing waters
Or sacrificing 'gainst immoral goons.

Take for example, Uri, where braves
Are fighting and their families are praying while we meagre folk prioritise what the celebrities are saying.

It's the fight of the world 'gainst terror
The classic, the good vs the bad,
Swaying away from the real deal, focusing on the spin-offs, makes me deeply sad.


A note:- I wrote this poem during the surgical strikings between the Indian Army and terrorist groups of Pakistan, while utmost bravery was at hand, the media reports were on what the celebrities were saying on this matter. it deeply upsets me.

October 2017

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