Darkness summoned upon me
'Let me enlighten you about the dark'
How ironic?
I thought
I had no intention to rebel
But light itself did fight.
'Open your eyes'
Said dark
Less said more of a bark
I open my eyes
'Open your eyes
and See the practical reality
Instead of the moral lies,
Look around you, a world
With dense darkness
And light so few'
I look around,
The poverty, fear and
Sorrow that grew.
'Darkness is engraved in the
Strands of our DNA now,
It'd not be weird if you
Are wondering how?'
'Like our tail remains no more
Than a bony protrusion,
The heart has left, remains only
An organ which pumps blood'
'In a flood-'
Dark barks,
'Light- the tiny schools of fishes,
Dark- the great sharks'
To the hellish came the heavenly,
To every Yin there's a Yang,
Into my(?) world entered light
With a blinding flash,
Deafening bang.
'Open your eyes'
Said light
I opened my eyes into a debate (or a fight?)
'Open your eyes'
Repeated light
I opened with all my might
(Or does it crave something more than sight?)
'Open your eyes,
Not the ones of your vessel'
Its words and my intelligence do wrestle,
Eyelids soothingly shuts,
Then answer whistles.
I look around,
My strengths, my weaknesses,
My obstacles and harnesses,
My wrong, my right,
My good, my bad,
My dark, my light.
'A smidgen of light in dark's eyes,
In light's look
Salient is good'
Dark trembled and shook.
'Greed and distractions flourished
As soon as hunger was born,
In this rose of light
Pick off the dark thorns,
Stairs of clouds await you
All the way to moon the station,
But even beyond that lies
Your true destination'
March 2017