Chapter One

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Chapter 1


Edward Cullen.

I raised my eyes and stared across the room at my Bella—my love. Her eyes were turned down—gazing affectionately at the growing monstrosity within her womb—and her chin held a coy smile. Under any other circumstance, I would have done anything for that smile. Now, my actions had put my wife in mortal danger. I sneered at the phrase. No, my actions have sentenced Bella to death.

My entire existence had been, more or less, filled with holding to my convictions. I had done nothing but be the definition of self control. Yet, during our honeymoon, I threw caution to the wind for the sake of our love. I gave in to Bella, willingly. She opened her arms to me and I did not deny her. Even after the first night, after I had marred—desecrated—her beautiful body, I recapitulated a few days later. I was so intoxicated by the thought of Bella, belonging to me, that I went against reason and rational thought. This is my fault.

I knew these words, which haunted me, were the truth. I was the adult here—one hundred and eight years old—I should have been the responsible one.

I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. The self-loathing had returned. When Bella had first walked into my life, she made me feel more human. Bella reminded me that there was good in me. But now, as I stared at the bump under her sweater, I could only wallow in my own revulsion.

My eyes trailed, away from my precious lamb, to the serpent beside her. Rosalie had decided to stand between Bella and me. Bella wanted to keep the creature growing inside her. Me? I wanted to see it destroyed before it could take her life. Rosalie lifted her eyes and met my stare. Her lips pulled back to reveal her teeth and the message was clear: she would kill me before I hurt it.

“Edward, it’s your child!” Rosalie had hissed as her arms encircled my wife tightly. Bella was clinging to her new protector with tenacity.

I growled in response to my sister’s claim. “It’s a monster! Bella, it’s going to kill you!”

The earlier fight sent shivers down my spine. Carlisle and I had been all too ready to remove the fetus. We had planned it thoroughly; all we needed to do was get home. Due to my inability to read Bella’s mind, I had not seen that she had already made arrangements. Bella had called Rosalie, in a panic, and explained that she did not want to kill the fetus. I can’t believe they are calling it a baby! I sneered quietly and continued to dwell in my memories. The moment Bella and I were off the plane, Bella ran straight into the arms of the woman who never showed any love for her.

“I know what you both are planning!” Rosalie had snarled as she gripped Bella. “I won’t let you kill this child!”

I had growled at Rosalie. “Rose, this is not the time to be living vicariously. This thing, growing in Bella, is endangering her life!”

Bella had turned her eyes to me—her pained eyes. She was sad and my heart broke. “Edward, I really need you to trust me.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose as my memories overwhelmed me. How did this go so wrong? I was supposed to be living the happy married life, not worrying about the life of my beloved. I forced myself out of the chair and walked out of the living room. I had to get out of here. I thrust open the front door and let the fresh air hit me. Inhaling deeply I let out an exasperated sigh. I’m out of ideas.

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