Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

 Into The Wild

Alice Cullen

 I pushed myself harder and faster than I ever had; the forest was all but flying beneath me now. My mind was blank as I focused on the task at hand: getting out of Forks and the state of Washington. I growled as my beloved sister’s face flashed through my mind, along with the backstabbing vampire who I had once called brother. I’m so sorry, Bella. I’m sorry I can’t save you. I’m a coward! Hissing violently, I gripped both sides of my short hair as I ran. I was a coward—if I really loved Bella, then I would turn and defend her. But I couldn’t muster the strength. I just wanted to run and hide. I don’t deserve Bella in my life any more than Edward does right now.

The sound of someone running behind me didn’t faze me. Despite his skepticisms, Jasper had come with me on this “hunt.” Poor loving fool. I didn’t need mental powers to know he was staring at me while we ran. He had been confused by our urgent departure, although he had said nothing. However, a vision told me that he was going to ask me what was wrong. Sure enough, he appeared beside me, begging me to slow down, and I begrudgingly abated my speed.

“Alice,” he said with a bewildered look in his eyes. “Where exactly are we going? I’ve seen you pass up about three herds of deer that would suffice. What are you looking for?” I stared at him emptily, trying to control my emotions. “What’s wrong, love? You’re very tense and your emotions are all over the place.”

I shrugged and tried to appear happy. “It’s nothing, Jazzy,” I cooed softly and closed the distance between us, wrapping my arms around his waist. “I’m just not in the mood for deer.” I made a soft grimace and winked at him. “I watched Bambi recently.”

Jasper laughed and shook his head. “Since when did you become picky?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

“Are you kidding?” I joked and poked a finger at him. “I am very picky! Just ask Edward…” I trailed off and my deep feeling of loathing rose up uncontrollably. Jasper’s eyes widened, no doubt at the hate emanating out of me, forcing me to turn and start running again. I didn’t get very far, though; Jasper easily caught up with me and grabbed my arm.

“Alice,” he demanded as he forced me to look at him. “Please tell me what’s wrong!” His eyes were a mixture of worry and confusion.

I furrowed my brow and lowered my head. “It’s nothing, Jasper,” I lied, almost as poorly as Bella. The thought of Bella brought on another wave of guilt and remorse. My bottom lip quivered, and I noticed Jasper flinch as the emotions washed over him. “I’m so sorry,” I murmured softly.

“Please, Ally,” he pleaded, using his favorite nickname for me. “Please tell me why you’re feeling this way.” He wrapped his arms around me, wincing as the contact brought on a stronger onslaught of emotion. “I can’t help if you don’t talk to me.”

I scoffed. “That’s not true.” He could easily manipulate my emotions and calm me down at a moment’s notice.

“Love,” he said seriously. “Please?”

I sighed and, very slowly, the earlier conversation began to play in my mind.

(The previous day...)

I had just finished organizing mine and Jasper’s closet—in alphabetical order by designers and styles—when a small vision crossed my mind. Edward was on his way up the stairs. He would be here in ten seconds, and I didn’t need foresight to know what he needed to say. Taking a deep breath, I settled down in a chair and waited patiently. I did my best to compose myself, given the raging anger inside me. Thank goodness Jasper isn’t here.

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