Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

 The Awakening

Bella Cullen

 I was floating on a sea of dark water—pure blackness.  My body felt weightless as I was carried along through the shifting waves of the void, and soon I began to immerse myself in the emptiness that surrounded me.  I was at peace. 

My previous nightmare was a fading memory.  I had dreamt that the pack had found reason to kill my baby—and, by default, me.  They had attacked the house and my beloved family while Edward stole me away to safety.  The atramentous water began to ripple fiercely as my thoughts brought back the terrifying visage of the snarling wolves.  It had been so real, so lifelike. 

No, Jake is my friend; he would never do anything to hurt me.

As the water continued to shake and tremble beneath me, I heard the most glorious sound in the entire world.  Concentrating, I pulled myself through the darkness towards the voice of my beloved.  A tingle began to form in my fingers, but I ignored it, as I tried to listen through the water that surrounded my head. Unlike the image of the wolves, I was positive that I would enjoy this dream.

“How could this happen?” Edward’s voice demanded through the blackness.  Even through his anger I could relish in the decadence that dripped from his voice.  His vocals were sinuous and innocence rolled into one.  “Why couldn’t you follow one simple rule?”

“You told me the others would be gone!” An angry voice answered Edward’s harsh tones.  “You lied to me!” 

Jacob and Edward fighting; what else is new? 

“I. DID. NOT. LIE!” Edward’s volume increased progressively and so did the anger that saturated his every word.  What were they talking about?  What did Jacob believe Edward had lied about?

“Well, then your freak of a sister did!” Jacob’s voice countered Edward in harshness and decibel level.  If I had not been confined to these dark waters, I would have cringed and covered my ears.  This dream was not as pleasant as I originally thought.

“Jacob!  Edward!” Another familiar sound echoed in my ears but there was something strange about it.  Carlisle’s voice—usually gentle and compassionate—made me tense up.  “This is not the time to throw accusations. Now, please tell me again what happened,” he demanded angrily.

I heard Jacob’s familiar sigh and I listened as best I could, anxious to know what was troubling them. 

“We entered the house, as we were supposed to,” he growled steadily.  “Everything was going according to plan.  We were dealing with the others as best we could without killing them—“

“The order was hinder, do not harm,” Edward interrupted with a hiss.  “You and Sam knowingly attacked Rosalie and Emmett!”

“Use your head, bloodsucker,” Jacob scoffed bitterly.  “If we had kept dancing around them, without attacking, they would have known something was up.”  There was a pause of silence before Jacob continued.  “We had them down, when suddenly, out of nowhere came the other blonde—Jasper.”

“They weren’t supposed to be there,” I heard Edward mumble softly.

“Regardless,” Jacob snarled, “he was there and he put up quite a fight.  Embry saw that we were equal in numbers and came to help me with Rosalie.  He ended up taking her arm and ripping it clean off.  That’s when the other one, Esme, attacked and killed Embry.”

“We should get back to the house,” Carlisle’s voice began to dissipate and fade away.  His tone, along with Jacob and Edward’s voices, began to echo and soon became extremely faint.

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