Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

Defensive Maneuvers

My body whirled through the air uncontrollably as I tried to stabilize my emotions long enough to pay attention.  Despite my attempts to center my mind, I slammed into a gigantic tree, snapping the truck like a twig, and fell to the earth.  As I stood, shaking the snow off my clothes, I growled at the injury my pride had just suffered.

Maria had made a suggestion that the Denalis do everything they could to train me, seeing as I had never been in a fight—not even as a human.  So, Kate, Tanya, Emmett, and Rosalie had drug me to an empty field, a few miles away from the house, and began teaching me.

“That was much better, Bella,” Emmett called to me from across the field, a hint of laughter in his voice.  “Just remember, you can’t rely completely on your strength; focus on agility as well.”

“I’m trying,” I growled bitterly and, after dashing towards him, I skidded to a stop, covering him with a thin layer of snow.  “It’s just a lot to take in.”

“We know,” Rosalie responded as Emmett dusted the snow off his shirt.  Surprisingly enough, Rose had been very gentle with her approach—unlike Emmett.  She had taught me a few maneuvers before trying one-on-one combat, while Emmett decided to throw me to the lions.  “Don’t worry, we won’t put you in battle until we know you’re ready.”

“I want to be ready now,” I snarled, a little taken back by the ferocity behind my words, and tightened my hands into fists.  However, as Rosalie and Emmett took a step back, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself.  “I’m sorry, it’s just, we’ve been out here for hours and it doesn’t seem like I’m improving.”

“Bella,” Tanya said softly, and, as irritated as the sight of her made me, I turned to her.  “Don’t over think or overstress yourself, it has to come naturally.”

“But it’s not coming naturally, Tanya,” I hissed angrily at her and she promptly lowered her head.  The four vampires remained silent until I walked a decent amount of distance away and called, “again, Emmett!”

Emmett sighed and appeared to debate with himself for a bit, however, with a nod of his head, he approached me quickly.  This time, unlike the previous encounters, I could see his every step as he grew closer and closer.  When he was within reach, his right arm rotated out towards me, ready to slash at my head.  Instinctually, my weight pivoted to the right, pulling my body with it, and I twisted out of his path of destruction.

Now that I was out of his way, I seized the opportunity and lunged at him, gripping his left arm and hurling him over my head.  I was filled with exuberance, as Emmett sailed through the air, wondering if I had finally picked up on something.  However, right as my joy peaked, a cage formed around me and, before I could comprehend what was happening, I was airborne once again. 

“Damn it!” I cried as I slammed against and knocked over another tree.  I beat my fist into the ground, causing a significant amount of snow to fly up, and marched back towards my family. 

“Bella, that was—“

“I know, Emmett!” I growled and took my position, ready to try again.  “Come on, let’s do this.”

“That was really good,” Emmett said in an astonished voice.  I turned to him with an angered expression, daring him to be making fun of me, but saw that his face was openly surprised.  “We didn’t teach you that.”

“Um, what did I do?” I asked, not really seeing what I had done any different.

“You dodged Emmett’s attack,” Kate answered beside me and smiled, clearly pleased.  “That was very impressive, Bella.”

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