Chapter Three

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Chapter 3


Edward Cullen.

“It’s official, you are insane!” Alice reappeared as Jacob turned and absconded into the woods. I, momentarily, heard howling from the other wolves. There was no doubt that, at this moment, my wife was the conversation of the entire La Push pack. “Edward? Hello, Edward?” I ignored Alice’s constant barrage, of mental and spoken words, and catapulted myself into the forest. She followed me, of course, continuing her assault. “Edward Cullen, you stop right now and listen to me!”

I came to an abrupt halt, spinning around to face my sister. I pulled my lips back over my teeth in anger, and hissed. “What do you want, Alice? Do you want me to stand aside while Bella dies?” I felt my body tremble with anger. I have to do this! It’s the only way to save Bella!

Alice’s face softened as she stared at my angry grimace. Her wide horrified eyes contorted with sadness, and her body relaxed. Her thoughts called out to me as a wave of sympathy covered her.

Edward, I cannot begin to fathom what you are going through. If Jasper was ever in danger, I would do anything to protect him. However, this goes beyond simply protecting Bella from falling down. She sighed and hung her head, moving closer to me. “Don’t you think I care about Bella? I am going insane thinking about her. But, she has made her choice. Edward, this is very important to her. This is probably the most important decision she will ever make. If you take this from her, you will destroy her and the family, I promise you.” She exhaled slowly, turned, and started walking back towards home.

“What have you seen, Alice?” I called after her as my mind analyzed every possible scenario. I had to know—what was the possible outcome of this? Did I have a chance of succeeding or was I doomed to fail?

Alice sneered as she stopped. “I can’t see anything, Edward. Not since you involved Jacob Black.” She turned to face me. “Edward, I can tell you this, in the end, you will have no one to blame but yourself.” She glared at me. Edward, I will not expose you or Carlisle, I want you to learn your own lesson. With her last mental warning, she vanished into the forest.

I would be lying if I said Alice’s warning did not shake me. I was worried, nervous, and scared about following through with this. What if, in the struggle, Bella was killed? What if the operation killed her? What if one of my family members was killed? I angrily shook my head. Stop it, Edward. I would see to it that this plan was infallible, everything would work out.

I was devastated, on my way home, as my ears caught the sound of a familiar sob. My soul ripped in half, as I heard Bella’s muffled cries. “Where is he? Where’s Edward?” Her voice was like a dull blade, cutting straight through me. “Oh, I’ve ruined everything; he’s left me again.”

Those words, so simple, sent me hurdling towards the house. My angel thought that I had left her? How could she think such a thing? She was more than my wife—she was my entire existence. I closed in on my destination and her pain became louder. I could hear Alice attempting to rouse Bella from her grief.

“No, Bella,” her voice was pleading. She did not like seeing Bella upset. “He just went out for some air. The mood of the room affects him just like it does Jasper. He just needed to get out for a second.” I heard her intake of breath; no doubt, she saw me coming. “He’s on his way back, Bella. I can see him now.”

I pushed open the door, carelessly. The intricate, mahogany door creaked under my hands. A slow, splintering noise resonated through the room, followed by a snapping noise. A half second later, the door lurched off its’ hinges and cascaded to the floor. I sighed, staring at the broken door. Glancing up, I met the curious stares from my family. Bella was clutching Alice, bewilderment in their eyes. Rosalie was nearby, looking smug, and Alice glared at me.

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