Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

 Dangerous Territory

Jacob Black

 Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me! First, I let the girl I’m in love with marry my mortal enemy, and now I find out she’s knocked up with his killer spawn? Which god did I piss off to deserve this kind of torture? What the hell is wrong with Bella? I always had known she was teetering on the edge of insanity; I mean—she had married a rock, for Christ’s sake! But this was so far beyond reality, I had to convince myself it wasn’t a dream. “If only she chose me,” I mumbled to myself angrily. It was the truth; if Bella had chosen me then nothing like this would be happening. She wouldn’t be pregnant—on her way to the grave—and I wouldn’t be as miserable as I had been.

I slowed my inhumanly sprint to a brisk jog and tried to clear my head. I had to think of what I was going to say to the pack. Sam would definitely not like this—hell, none of them would!

“Get a grip, Jacob,” I muttered to myself. My hands were shaking and I was growing too angry to think rationally. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes; it wouldn’t help my situation to phase while I was this angry. At my current rate, it would take me forever to control my nerves enough to be comprehensible.

As my heart rate receded, I closed my eyes and thought about Bella; it was all I could do to help my tempter. As her smiling face appeared in my mind, I found myself getting calmer. I sighed—as the imaginary Bella smiled to me—before I let the wolf take over. There was a temporary blackness as I phased—fading from one existence to another had become second nature to me. I immediately became aware of the thoughts, emotions, and secrets of my brothers. I felt a rush of exhilaration as I broke out into a quick aimless run—this was the part I loved. I stopped abruptly, remembering my purpose for phasing. However, my mind slipped and I let loose the words I wanted to keep until I could explain everything: Bella’s pregnant.

“What!?” The word rushed out in a unanimous chorus. The questioning and probing minds of my brothers began speaking at once. This always gave me a headache.

“Sam,” I called out to my Alpha, “you need to call a meeting immediately, I have news for you.”

By the time I reached Sam and Emily’s house, the others were already debating.

“I say we take them all out!” Paul flared at the group. “We’ve let this go for far too long! Look what they’re doing now, breeding a whole new race!”

The rest of the pack jeered as they listened to him.

“Then, what’s to stop them?” he continued. “What’s to keep them from unleashing the little half-breed upon the entire town? It’s our duty to protect the tribe and that’s what we should do. We should kill them all!”

“No!” I lurched forward, my hands in tight fists, and punched Paul in his open mouth. I would not stand by and let them murder Bella. Even though she had broken my heart, I would still do anything for her. I loved her too much.

My fist collided with Paul’s jaw with an agonizing crack. Paul doubled back, in pain, as I put both my hands on either side of his arms, shaking him violently. The rest of our brothers shouted and cheered for us, egging us on.

“Quiet!” Sam’s voice resonated within the small house. “That’s enough, Paul! Jacob, put him down!” I complied grudgingly. “Now, please tell us what news you have.”

“I’ll tell you what I was told,” I took a seat beside Sam and sighed heavily. “It’s true, Bella is pregnant with some kind of vampire spawn.” The chorus of disgusted sounds echoed loudly through Emily’s small kitchen, but Sam silenced them again. “However, unlike Paul hinted, not all the Cullens are for this pregnancy.”

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