Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

Win the Crowd.


My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my ears—metaphorically, of course.  Rosalie and Esme flanked me, rubbing my shoulders every now and then to show their support, as we navigated through the never-ending maze that was the Denalis’ home.  After returning from hunting, I had made the conscious decision that now was the time to request their help in my vengeful endeavor.

We came to the entrance of the Denalis’ sitting room, and I could hear them laughing jovially on the other side of the cherry wood door.  This is it.  I was still a little worried that my plan might not work, but my time was up and it was either now or never.  With one last look to Esme and Rosalie, I pushed open the door.

“Bella, darling!” Kate stood up and extended her arms exuberantly before embracing me.  “We were wondering when you were planning on gracing us with your presence again.”

I smiled, despite my anxiety, and hugged her lightly, trying to remember that I was stronger and could accidentally hurt her.  When she pulled away, she returned to her seat beside Tanya, who was beaming at me with the most curious smile I had ever seen.  She reminded me of Alice the very first time we met at the Cullens’ home.

Eleazar rose from the sofa, which held the delicate frame of his mate Carmen, and moved towards me.   His eyes were only slightly cautious and, when he reached me, he smiled broadly.  “So, how did your first hunt go, my dear?”

“It was okay,” I murmured, still a little embarrassed for worrying Esme by disappearing into the forest.  I’m sure Esme wasn’t planning on relaying that party of the story, but Rosalie had different plans.

“She disappeared for an hour or so,” my blonde sister-in-law seethed, still clutching her wounded high heels.  “Look what happened to my shoes!”

“Oh, come now, Rosalie.” Tanya spoke up immediately, and I was surprised by her tone, she sounded like she was scolding Rose.  “You can purchase heels at any time, this was Bella’s very first hunt, it’s more important than shoes.”

“Thank you, Tanya,” Esme agreed and crossed her arms, clearly disappointed in Rosalie.

“Humph!” Rosalie crossed her arms and stared off, refusing to meet the gaze of anyone.

Although I was grateful that Tanya stuck up for me, I stepped in front of Rosalie.  “No,” I insisted, feeling protective over my blonde sister-in-law.  “Rosalie’s right, I did run off, it was very foolish of me.”

“Oh, forget it, Bella,” Rosalie grumbled behind me and I turned to find her tossing her heels into the fire place.  “Tanya’s right, as usual.”

“So, Bella,” Kate recalled my attention and I saw her standing beside Tanya, a look of interest in her eyes.  “We’re very interested to know why you’re here.”

“Don’t misunderstand, thought,” Carmen called from her perch on a black leather love seat.  “We are thrilled to see you again, however, your arrival was rather strange.”

I nodded, barely remembering when we arrived in Alaska, given I was bleeding and barely conscious.  They were looking for the reason we were here and why we would not contact Edward or Carlisle.  I exhaled and was about to speak when a soft jingle cut me off. 

“Oh, one moment dear,” Tanya said as she picked up a silver cell phone and inspected it.  “Oh, goodness, it’s Carlisle!”

I tensed up immediately, knowing he was probably calling to see if the Denalis had seen us.   What would Tanya tell them?  Would she give us up or would she plead ignorance? Tanya held my gaze for a few seconds before flipping open the phone.

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