Chapter Two

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Chapter 2


Jacob Black.

What were those bloodsuckers up to now? True, a few months ago we were unified to defend Bella against a vengeful wretch, however; that was then and this was now! I didn’t care how tender some of us—Seth—felt about them. They were still our mortal enemies; hell, we were built to kill each other! What else could we do? The treaty had to be upheld at all cost.

Paul’s antagonistic temper flared as he sped through the La Push forest. “Yeah, time to kill me some vamps!” I heard and felt the enthusiasm that flowed under his fur. The others mirrored his feelings.

“Remember,” Sam’s voice of authority boomed inside our unified mind. “They have not broken the treaty; they are ten feet from the line. We are merely there to serve as a reminder of the proximity.” As if we needed reminding that we didn’t have a reason to attack.

The others grumbled in compliance. Their feelings were the same as mine. One wrong move and the leeches would be shredded.

I had been aching for a fight with the Cullens ever since the wedding. I growled as the memory of Bella’s words arose in my mind. ‘I am going to have a normal honeymoon!’ I snarled loudly as the pain engulfed me. What was wrong with that girl? Did she honestly have no sense whatsoever? Part of me was happy she had someone, like Edward, to look after her. As much as I hated to say it, he could protect her from…herself. A chuckle slipped through my mind as the memories of Bella tripping and falling surfaced. I was surprised the nurses, at the hospital, didn’t know her on a first name basis.

I was so consumed with my thoughts, of Bella and her vampire husband; I didn’t notice everyone calling my name. I blinked and focused as Sam shouted to me.

“Jacob! I’m not going to tell you again!” His voice was commanding as he yelled internally. “Get your head in the game…and would you let it go, already?”

Sam’s final request brought on a mental onslaught from my other listeners.

“Seriously man, we’ve been hearing about Bella’s honeymoon plans for the past few weeks!” Paul’s strong voice complained as he appeared next to me.

Another voice spoke as a grey wolf appeared. “Come on Jacob, she made her choice! Why don’t you just get over it?”

“Cut it out, Leah!” Paul’s voice countered the shrill attacks coming from our only female wolf. He quickly leapt over my body and landed on her, knocking her to the ground. He quickly regained his step and maneuvered beside me.

Recovery wasn’t so easy for Leah. She fell, a tangled mess on the forest floor, and yelped. Her thoughts were that of frustration and embarrassment. “Damn it, Paul!” She could only scream as she attempted to get her feet under her.

Paul and I shared an internal chuckle. We weren’t going to lie, being the only female wolf; we liked to pick on Leah a lot. Sam had chastised us for it again and again. Although he had imprinted on Emily, he still looked after Leah. She was his fiancés’ cousin, and best friend. Emily had asked Sam to always keep an eye on her.

Leah resented Sam for it. Aside from the fact that she could know exactly what he was thinking—she saw it as pity. In her mind, Sam only cared about her out of duty, as an alpha, and out of obligation, to his fiancé. Leah would vanish quite often, sometimes for days at a time. It would normally take the entire pack to find her. Although she never said anything—verbally or mentally—I actually wondered if she did it for the attention.

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