Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter 28


I was deaf to everything around me including the rapid footsteps growing closer with every second, and focused on the body lying at my feet.  Edward’s form was motionless, except for a tiny twitch of his foot every now and then, and his head laid a few feet away.  His snarls and growls had been quieted, and now the only sound that filled the meadow was perpetual silence.

There was a small sense of satisfaction flowing through me, a feeling of completion—and yet, there was sadness as well.  As I stared at Edward, a sense of longing washed through me, almost like I was remorseful, but how could that be?  This is what I came here to do…avenge the death of my beloved child. 

As I turned my attention to Edward’s head, resting face down a few feet away, I felt compelled to affix it back to its rightful place on his shoulders.  I balked at the thought and took a few steps back. What is wrong with me?

Before I could react anymore to the strange feelings, two familiar figures appeared through a break in the trees.  Their faces were almost identical in their absolute, utter horror as they surveyed the carnage before them.  However, their expressions were the least of my worries; at the moment, I was more focused on why Esme and Carlisle were here—together.

Why isn’t she fighting him? Why are they standing so close?  What the hell is going on?

“Oh god,” Esme gasped, her hand flying to her mouth, and sobbed lightly.  “We’re too late.”

“No, not too late, my dear,” Carlisle answered, his eyes locked on Edward’s headless body.  “He’ll be just fine.”

“What is this?” I demanded viciously, my eyes moving between the two of them.  Esme was my ally. She was supposed to be ripping Carlisle to pieces at that moment, so why was she standing beside him?  “Esme?”

“Bella, please,” Esme said, approaching me slowly with an outstretched hand. “Let me explain.”

Why is he here?” I snarled at Carlisle, who was flanking her, causing him to stop abruptly before directing my attention back to Esme.  “Why aren’t you trying to kill him?”

“Everything we know is wrong, Bella,” Esme said, a strange emotion flickering in her eyes, and continued towards me.  “You need to hear the truth.”

“I know the truth,” I growled and took a step away from her.  “That’s why I’m here … why we’re here!”

Esme continued to advance on me, which made me take several steps back, and Carlisle followed her until he reached Edward.  My father-in-law wasted no time in taking his son’s head and proceeding to reattach it.  However, once I realized what he was up to, I jumped into action; I had to destroy Edward at all costs.

“She severed it close enough to the shoulder,” Carlisle called as he examined Edward.  “This should only take a few—“

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