Chapter Twenty

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Chapter 20

Offensive Tactics

I sighed heavily as I stood in the empty room and gazed out the window to the outside world.  Leaning forward, I softly rested my head against the glass, taking care not to apply too much pressure—unless I wanted to go head first through the window.  This entire venture—enlisting the Denalis to help us fight the wolves—was proving to be more arduous than anticipated.  I never expected the Amazons, let alone Maria, to show up willing to help.  And Tanya’s recent revelation was equally unanticipated.

I’m not in love with Edward, Bella; I don’t even lust after him.

I moved away from the window and crossed my arms, feeling now as though the world has shifted from under me.  True, knowing that Tanya wasn’t after Edward filled me with a little relief, but something she said had struck a nerve with me.

I’ll help you with anything up until then.

I had been so consumed with planning the attack in La Push that I had failed to think of my final task; I hadn’t considered how I was going to kill Edward.  True, to kill a vampire, all I had to do was rip him apart and burn the pieces, but he was much more experienced than I was.  Would I actual be capable of overpowering him?

Leaving the small room, I headed towards the front door knowing that fresh air would do me good and met Esme at the base of the stairs.  Beyond her, I could hear Rosalie arguing with the Denalis, and I could only wonder what had gone wrong now. 

“Is everything all right?” Esme asked as I rounded the corner.

“I was about to ask the same question,” I answered with a smirk and jerked my head in the direction of the debating.  “What’s going on in there?”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Esme said and waved her hand in the air.  “They’re trying to think of the best way to get into La Push.”

“Best way?” This was something else I had obviously not thought of. Part of me assumed we would just run in through the forest, but as Esme continued speaking, I realized how dangerous that would be.

“The wolves have grown up in the woods, Bella,” Esme explained while we both exited through the front door. “so they know them just as well as we do.  Coming from the north, we’re also at a disadvantage.  The northern wind coming off the mountains will sweep our scent right under their noses.”

“What about going around the reservation?” I suggested, crossing my arms.  “We could come up from the south instead.”

“That would take us into Forks.” Esme shook her head.  “The more familiar Edward is with someone’s thoughts, the better he can hear them—at great distances too.”

I fell silent as Esme continued explaining all the routes that Rosalie and the others had contemplated.  So far, it seemed nothing was going to work.  My frustration amplified as I tried my best to think of the solution to our problem.  There had to be a way of getting into La Push without alerting the wolves.

Buenos tardes,” Maria’s nasally voice greeted, and I turned my eyes up to stare at her.  “I wanted to apologize for putting you in that awkward situation, Bella.”

“I’m sure you do,” Esme growled, moving a bit closer to me, her tone hinting at her disbelief.

“I’m being truthful,” Maria responded and frowned.  “It was never my intention to have Paulo attack you; then again, you never really know with newborns.”

“It’s fine,” I grumbled insincerely.   No, I didn’t trust Maria, and yes, I would be happy to see her leave Washington when this was all over.  However, since I needed her help, I realized that I would have to play nice.  So I mustered my best fake smile and added, “Thanks for trying to help.”

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