Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

Journey through Perdition

With my wounds temporarily bandaged up, and new warmer clothes draped around me, we began our journey. Emmett had preferred to pick up his Jeep at the hospital, but none of us had dared to go back there. There was no telling where Edward and Carlisle were, and the last thing we needed was for either of them to find us. So, we opted to stealing a car from a vacationing pair who had stopped to eat at the Lodge. The last remnants of my guilty conscience went out to the unknowing stranded couple, but my anger towards Edward quickly superseded the regret and my mind was refocused again.

“Are you sure they won’t find out?” I asked skeptically as we drove onto the highway, putting as much distance between Forks and us as possible. “Won’t they use Alice to find out where we are?”

Instantly, my mind raced and wondered if Alice had aided Edward in his horrible plot. It was bad enough that Edward, my husband, had betrayed me; I couldn’t stand it if Alice did the same. I was relieved when Rosalie told me that Alice and Jasper had helped fight the wolves off.

“She and Jasper led us to the cave,” Esme explained further. “But they both left as soon as she knew you were safely with Emmett.”

Sighing heavily, I silently thanked my best friend and wished her all the happiness in the world. Maybe it’s for the best…I wouldn’t want her to get hurt by the wolves. As we passed a sign, I was suddenly alarmed. We were heading south. “Emmett?” I called to him and spied his eyes in the rearview mirror. “Why are we heading towards Seattle?”

“We need to get this car south,” he said seriously. “Edward and Carlisle are going to be looking for all of us. Since the Lodge is so close to the hospital, they’ll more than likely hear about the stolen car and know what we’re driving.” His eyes returned to the road. “We need to get a new car in Olympia.”

I leaned back into the seat and sighed; this was beginning to be more difficult that I originally planned, but I was too tired to really care at the moment. As we continued heading south, my head began to spin and my body became extremely heavy. Exhaling, I turned and laid down on the backseat. Why am I so tired?

“Are you all right, Bella?” Esme asked from the front seat, gazing back at me with concern.

“I think so,” I scratched my head and propped myself up so I could look at her. “I’m not sure why though.”

“Probably the last of the anesthesia,” Rosalie suggested without looking at me.

“Yeah,” I murmured and closed my eye. Right now, sleep sounded like the best option in the world. Before long, the soft conversation of the Cullens faded away and I fell fast asleep.

I was in the meadow, staring at a mirror—perched under the sun—my stomach was expanded, still cradling the child that I loved so much. A shadow moved past me and I glanced up, curious as to what or who I had just seen. My mouth opened in horror as Edward appeared with a sinister grin etched across his face.

“Bella,” he called in a seductive tone. “Come to me, my love. Trust me, Bella.” His words reverberated against the trees and seemed to manipulate my body. Despite my internal screaming, my body began to move forward. My heart rate accelerated as I came closer to his icy touch.

His hand wrapped around mine, but, instead of the normal electricity that surged between us, a shudder snaked its way through my system. Edward’s touch no longer felt soothing, the way it was supposed to.

My head snapped up in time to see his smile transform to an evil grimace. I tried to pull away but his strong arms enveloped me and spun me around, so my back was now pressed against his stomach. A deep growl stopped my fighting and I looked up to see Jacob, in wolf form, approaching.

“Jake?” I called out hysterically and started fighting Edward again. “Please, help me!”

The growling ceased and Jacob let out an unnatural roar before charging towards me, jaws open wide. I screamed as his huge form came closer and closer.

“Please, don’t!”

“Bella! Bella, wake up!” Rosalie’s voice countered the incessant growling of my dream and I thrust my eyes open.

“What? Where am I?” My eyes darted around the inside of the car.

“It’s all right Bella,” Esme said soothingly beside me. “You’re safe.”

Heavy sobs racked my body as I leaned into Esme as she cradled me. My heart raced and my shallow breathing didn’t help me to slow it down.

“Do we need to stop and get a paper bag?” Emmett asked from the front seat.

Coughing wildly, I shook my head, not wanting to stop anywhere for any reason; we couldn’t afford to idle. I gripped my midsection, an action that was all too familiar, and took deep gulps of breath. After five minutes, my heart beat began to retreat from its heavy thudding.

“Where are we?” I muttered when my breath had evened enough for me to speak. As I went to look out the window, I noticed that the upholstery of the car was significantly different from the stolen vehicle I went to sleep in. “Is this the same car?”

Emmett chuckled and looked at me through the rearview mirror. “You were pretty out of it, Bells,” he said with a half grin. “We bought the new car and left. We’re heading north now.”

“What about the old one?” I asked while I briefly appraised the wide interior and subtle ‘new car’ smell.

“Ditched it on a bad side of town,” he said and glanced at me from the rearview mirror. “You okay, Bella? You don’t look so good.”

“She just had surgery not long ago, you idiot,” Rosalie hissed and smacked Emmett behind the head. He let out an annoyed growl which Rose answered with an even harsher snarl.

As Emmett started to swerve, I made a quick attempt to change the subject. “How long was I out?” I asked anxiously and relaxed as Emmett straightened the car out.

Rosalie sighed. “About five hours.”

“Five?” I asked incredulously and glanced out the window, trying to see where we were. Sure enough, we were passing the familiar Welcome to Forks sign. Exhaling heavily, I tried to lift myself up further but winced as a sharp pain accompanied the action. “Oh!” I cried out painfully. “Darn these stitches.”

Esme threw me a frantic look and then down to my stomach, as though she was worried something might pop out. “Perhaps we should change your bandages again,” she suggested and eyed my midsection with speculation and concern.

The pain radiated through me but I shook my head desperately. “Please no, Esme,” I pleaded with her. I had no desire to see the remnants of my now hopeless existence. “Don’t we have any pain killers or something?”

“Bella,” Esme scolded and scooted closer to me. “Please, let’s take care of this.”

“Esme,” I spoke firmly and gave her a stern frown. “I really don’t want to look at it again—please, understand.”

A few hours later, we had broken free of Forks and were heading north along the highway. The trip was going quicker than expected, thanks to Emmett and Rosalie’s choice in car. We were a mere hour away from the Canadian border.

Even though I should have been thrilled that my plan was slowly coming to fruition, the pain inhibited me from caring. Ever since I had refused to change my bandages, the stitches underneath the gauze covering had become extremely inflamed and sensitive to the touch. I could hardly move without gasping at the immense agony that surged through my body. I tried my hardest not to make a noise; every time I gasped or cried out, Esme would give me a worried look. I didn’t want her to worry, but I just couldn’t bring myself to see those stitches.

As we crossed the Canadian border, I felt myself growing tired again. My eyes grew increasingly heavy, and my head felt like it was a balloon with too much air in it. Still, despite my condition, I did my best to stay quiet. At this point, I just wanted to get away.

“Are you crazy?” Rosalie’s shrill wailing shook me from my stupor and I sat up, cringing a little at the pain, and tried to see what was happening.

“I’m sorry, babe,” Emmett contested defensively. “I completely forgot that I had it on me!”

“What’s going on?” I mumbled anxiously, trying to see over the large leather seat.

Rosalie sneered and leaned back into her seat. “Emmett has his cell phone on,” she accused and turned to face me. “Edward and Carlisle called. They can easily trace where we’re going.”

I groaned in frustration and glared at my brother. “Emmett,” I growled angrily.

He shrugged and stared at me through the rearview mirror. “Bella,” he said innocently and shook his head. “I didn’t do this on purpose—I honestly forgot that I had it.”

I sighed heavily; after everything that Emmett had done for me, I couldn’t stay mad at him. “Well,” I mumbled and returned to my resting position. “Did you at least get rid of it?”

“Of course,” Rosalie said eagerly as the drowsiness forced my eyes shut. “We dumped it in a convenience store bathroom.”

I nodded as I lay back down and soon enough, I passed into the darkness of my dreams.

When my eyes opened again, all feelings of pain and suffering had lifted off me. I reached down and touched my stomach—no pain, no tenderness, and no line of stitches. What’s going on? As I glanced around, I noticed that I was back at home in Edward’s and my room. The white walls greeted me as they glimmered in the light and Edward’s several journals lay spread out next to the bed. Sighing heavily, I remembered that I hadn’t gotten a chance to move any of my stuff into the Cullens’ house. It’s not like I needed anything; Alice had made sure to buy everything I would ever need..

I tensed up, wondering where Edward would emerge from, but suddenly the door opened and saw his familiar face. There was nothing sinister about his smile, and there was no malevolence behind his posture. Edward leaned in through the doorway and smiled, sending a surge of warmth through me.

“Hello, my love,” he said as his brow softened and he crossed his arms. “What are you still doing in bed?”

“I…uh…,” I stuttered as I tried my best to think of what to say. My breath caught in my throat and I started coughing. I hunched over and covered my mouth, embarrassed by my awkward human qualities. When I looked up, Edward was sitting next to me, his hand rubbing my back. Closing my eyes, I leaned forward and inhaled his scent, savoring the deliciousness of his skin. “Oh, Edward.”

As I leaned into him, a horrible realization dawned on me—this was a dream. I pulled away anxiously and glanced frantically around the room. At any point, Jacob could burst out and attack me; I had to be on my guard. As my eyes panned around the room, they rested on the face of Edward, who looked completely perplexed.

“Bella?” he spoke in a curious shock, as he normally did when he was worried. This was my Edward; not the monster of my nightmares. “Is everything all right?”

“No,” I leaned into him and sobbed into his shoulder as he embraced me. “This is all a dream, Edward.”

“What?” he asked incredulously and pulled away softly. “I don’t understand?”

“This is a dream,” I said with determination and shut my eyes, trying to force myself awake. “Wake up, Bella.”

“Bella?” Edward put his hand on my shoulder and I slowly opened my eyes.. “Did you have a nightmare? Why do you think this is a dream?”

“Because it is, Edward,” I groaned and pulled away from him as he reached for me. “I know it’s only a matter of time before Jacob shows up and attacks me.”

All the worry drained from Edward’s face and was replaced by horror. “Bella,” he said in barely a whisper. “Has…has that dog done anything to hurt you? Is that what this is about?”

“Just stop it, Edward!” I screeched at him and he recoiled, his expression pained. “I know everything! You and Jacob plotted with Carlisle to kill my baby!”

Edward’s neck jerked back indignantly before his face filled with humored shock. “What?” he asked with a soft smile. “But Bella, you don’t have a baby.”

“I know that, I—,” I stopped and gave him a strange look. “What?”

“You don’t have a baby, Bella.” He said each word individually and cautiously. The worried look on his face did not vanish, but deepened into a frantic gaze. “You’ve never even been pregnant before. Is that what your dream was about?”


My thoughts were jumbled as my eyes poured over the room around me. It was definitely Edward’s room, there was no doubt about that. His library of music was properly mounted on the wall, the unnecessarily large bed was placed where the leather sofa, now perched against the wall, previously stood. The only thing that was different in the space was a vase of daisies resting beside the bed. I took a deep breath and was caught off guard by a strange aroma in the air—eggs, scrambled eggs.

“Is…someone…cooking?” I asked with bewildered curiosity.

“Yes.” Edward’s worried grimace faded softly to a grin. “Esme’s cooking you some food.”

“Hey Bells!” a familiar voice called from outside. I peeked out the window in time to see Jacob waving wildly to me.

“Oh!” I screeched and backed away from the window. This was what I was waiting for; any minute, Jake would transform and come upstairs to attack me. My eyes frantically poured over the room, looking for a hiding spot. Edward eyed me curiously and moved to the window.

“It’s just Jacob, Bella,” he cooed softly and moved forward, causing me to shrink back into the farthest corner. “Would you like me to tell him to leave? He probably just wants to see you—now that you’re feeling better.”

“Feeling better?” I asked and laughed hysterically. “No, he wants to attack me.”

“Bella, please listen to me.” He moved at vampire speed and stood right in front of me. “No one is going to hurt you—you’re safe.”

There was a light knock at the door, but it was enough to make me jump a mile. I shrieked softly and curled up into a ball on the floor. This is it, wake up Bella!

“Is everything okay in there?” Alice called through the door. Before either one of us could answer, she burst in and plopped on the floor next to me. “And just what are you doing, Bella?”

“Alice!” I screeched and enveloped my beloved sister in a tight hug. “I’m so glad you’re here. You’ll protect me, won’t you?”

“Of course, Bella,” Alice said awkwardly and pulled away, raising her eyebrows to Edward. “Just what has my brother been doing to you?”

“Nothing,” Edward said defensively and, as he moved closer, I tightened my hold on Alice. “Alice, will you please tell my wife that this is not a dream?”

Alice’s brow indented as she stared at me with a pondering expression. Finally, after a few seconds, she snapped her fingers and giggled. “I got it,” she said happily and pulled away from me. “You were dreaming about that show we watched, weren’t you? Where that girl was forced to give her baby up?”


“That’s it,” she said and threw her hands up. “I should have seen that you’d have nightmares about this. Oh well, I guess I’m not always right.”

“I’d like to get that in writing,” Edward smiled next to her, though his eyes didn’t leave me.

“Well,” she said and hopped up before moving to the doorway. “When you’re ready, Bella, Esme has your food ready.” With that she danced out of the room and pulled the door shut behind her.

My chest felt tight as I tried to inhale deeply. Was it really all a dream? My eyes trailed up and met Edward’s. I couldn’t smile, I could only gawk at him in shock.

“Penny for your thoughts, love,” he said, cocking his head to the side.

“When did we get back from the honeymoon?” I asked without looking at him. I had to know if this truly was a bad dream or if the pregnancy was a bad dream. Was it a nightmare birthed of desires I didn’t know that I had?

“A week ago,” he said and narrowed his eyes. “Love, tell me what happened.”

“If this is real, and not a dream,” I said and sighed heavily, “then you don’t want to know.”

“Nonsense,” he chuckled and helped me off the floor. “I always want to know what you’re thinking—you know that.”

I nodded and took a seat on the bed. “All right,” I took a deep breath and began. “I had a dream that I got pregnant on Isle Esme and you surgically removed the baby without my consent. Wait,” I stopped him as he tried to speak. “There’s more. You conspired with Jacob and the pack to attack the house so you could get me away from Rosalie and Emmett.”

“Bella,” he exhaled heavily and spoke my name. “Love, you’ve got everything jumbled.”

“How so?”

“We did think you were pregnant,” he said slowly and my neck snapped up anxiously, but he quickly threw out his hands defensively. “However, when we got back, Carlisle did some tests and it turns out that you were bitten by very poisonous sea snake while we were swimming.”


“Yes, a rare one too,” he nodded feverishly with an exasperated smile. “We were lucky we got you to Carlisle in time. The venom was dangerously close to killing you. You slipped into a coma after Carlisle gave you some anti-venom.” Edward briefly chuckled and sat down next to me. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that this happened to you of all people.”

“How long was I out, Edward?” Somehow, as I listened to his story, images began to surface in my mind. I started to remember everything he was saying to me. I remembered swimming in the ocean, laughing at the dolphins and marveling at the beautiful schools of fish. Edward had stayed on the rocks because his presence was scaring off all the fish.

“Five days,” he said and his smile faded as he cupped my face. “I really thought I was going to lose you.”

I took a deep breath closed my eyes, wanting to remember everything that he had said. Can this be real? Did I dream about being pregnant and the attack? My confusion must have shown on my face, because Edward suddenly had his arms around me.

“Bella, I would never do anything to hurt you,” he spoke seriously and kissed the top of my head. “You know that. Please, you’re not in a dream, this is real.”

My stomach heaved and I instinctively wrapped my arms around him. Every time he touched me, I felt the familiar surge of electricity travel through my veins. I started to shake and my hold tightened while tears started to spill from my eyes. Sobbing heavily, I buried myself deep in Edward’s embrace. This is real.

“Oh Bella,” he sighed and chuckled softly. “Would you like me to carry you downstairs?”

Normally, I would say no—but not this time. This time I wanted to remain in my husband’s arms for as long as possible. “Yes,” I whispered and nodded softly.

Before I could hold my breath, we were up off the ground and traveling, slowly, towards the kitchen. As we moved down the hallway, I glanced over my shoulder and saw all the familiar paintings that adorned the Cullens’ second floor. I sighed heavily, feeling more justified that this was real, as we descended the stairs.

The smell of eggs was making my stomach groan and I smiled as the aroma grew more and more potent with every step. Finally, after a few seconds, we were in the kitchen entrance, standing in front of a very busy Esme. The television in the kitchen was switched to the Food Network and a very plump woman with a southern accent, was explaining the intricacies of preparing breakfast.

“Oh, Bella,” Esme exclaimed and smiled. “I’m so glad you’re up and about, please come eat.”

Edward set me down at the table before taking a seat next to me. “Alice told Esme that you’d be awake today and you’d probably be hungry.”

“Good call,” I said and flushed at the attention. I took a bite and was immediately overwhelmed by the warmth and deliciousness of the food. My stomach grumbled its seal of approval and I continued eating. “Oh Esme,” I said in between bites. “This is wonderful, thank you.”

“Oh, it was nothing dear,” she said lovingly while she cleaned up.

“Hey, what’s going on?” A familiar voice called from the next room, and by the time I turned to see who it was, Rosalie and Emmett had appeared.

“Bella?” There was something about Rosalie’s tone that made my nerves stand on end. She stared at me with a wary grimace, as if she was surprised to see me. “What is it?”

“Bella’s feeling much better,” Edward said and wrapped his arm around me. “She’s up and moving around—well almost.”

“Should we do something?” Rosalie asked with the same concern and turned to Emmett, who was now giving the same nervous stare.

He shook his head. “Like what?”

“I don’t know,” she said with a frustrated groan. “But we have to do something.”

“What’s this all about?” I asked Edward who merely shrugged.

“Rose has been a little weird lately,” he said with an angry hiss. “Ever since she found out that you weren’t pregnant, she acts like there’s something wrong with you, when there isn’t.”

Just as quickly as they entered, Rose and Emmett disappeared. Their brief interlude disturbed me, but as the smell of pancakes wafted under my nose, I pushed it to the back of my mind.

An hour later, my hunger was sated and I was thoroughly convinced that my entire ordeal was a bad dream—a hallucination brought on by the snake’s venom. However, I was still a bit too squeamish to be around Jake; so, Edward told Jake to stay away for awhile longer.

After the meal, Edward carried me outside so that I could get some fresh air. Inhaling deeply, I could almost taste the different aromas that filled Forks—the trees, the water, and, most importantly, the love. Turning over my right shoulder, I smiled at Edward, who had his arms wrapped securely around my waist. I exhaled heavily and leaned into him, running my hands across his arms and smiling in my contentment.

“When is Carlisle getting home?” I asked idly. I really wanted to talk to him about my condition and what exactly happened. Was it the poison that caused me to bloat up and appear pregnant? “I have a few questions for him.”

“He’ll be getting home in an hour, I believe,” he said and kissed my neck. “If you want, I—“


I turned my head up and saw Rose and Emmett standing a few yards away, their expressions hard and serious. Edward helped me to my feet and I walked hesitantly closer to them.

“Bella, please, stop this,” Emmett commanded and crossed his arms at his chest.

“What are you talking about?” I demanded.

“It’s not real, Bella,” Rose said quickly and glared at Edward beside me.

My stomach heaved as I took in her words, the words that I had convinced myself were a lie. “What do you mean, it’s not real?”

“Wake up, Bella.” Esme’s voice startled me and I turned to see her behind us. I gasped as Esme hobbled up to me, the side of her stomach was torn wide open. As the venom leaked out of her skin, it singed her clothes and sizzled on the ground. “It’s not real.”

“Please, Bella,” I turned back as Rosalie spoke and shrieked in horror. Rosalie’s arm was no longer attached to her shoulder; it was slowly crawling across the lawn, spilling venom onto the grass, killing the lush ground instantly.

As my eyes panned to Emmett, I noticed a deep gash, revealing part of his bone, on his forearm. “Emmett? Rosalie? Esme? What happened?”

“You know what happened,” Esme whispered in my ear.

“We were betrayed,” Rosalie hissed and hunched her shoulders. “He betrayed us!”

“Bring her in,” a haunting female voice spoke above the growling and hissing, calling the four of us into the house. “Hurry up, there’s not much time.”

“Bring her, Emmett,” Esme called.

“Bella,” Edward called and I turned to see him across the lawn, reaching out to me with a trembling hand. “Please stay with me.”

“Edward,” I cried and tried to run, but I was frozen in place. “No, let me go! Edward!”

“Please Bella,” he crumbled and fell to the ground, still reaching out for me. “Please, don’t go, my love.”

“Edward! I love you!”



Author's Note: Please keep an eye out for plagiarism on this website. If you see a story that has near college-level writing on a 12  year old's account, there may be something wrong. All you have to do is take a sentence or two, paste it into a google search, surround it with quotations and hit enter. If a story comes up with someone else's name, check when it was posted. Currently, Wattpad only accepts plagiarism reports from the actual author. If you find that another story has been plagiarized, contact the author. We have to look out for one another.

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