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 The wind rushed across the lake, between the lush trees, and through his russet brown fur, sending a chill through him and his companions alike. The growing moisture in the air told him that a storm was on the horizon; this could play to their advantage. They were traveling against the wind which would mask their scent from their enemies.

Jacob tilted his head forward and took a deep breath, as the Cullen’s home came into view. No turning back. Here we come, leeches.

Jacob crashed through the gigantic window like a wrecking ball, sending shards of glass flying in all directions. Before cascading to the ground, the sharp segments spiraled and glittered through the air like crystals in the sunlight. He was relieved that Edward, his conspirator, had formed a protective cage over Bella, deflecting every one of the fragments.

A split second later, the other wolves crashed through the opposite windows—sending more debris flying through the air—snarling and growling at the vampires, who were all on their feet and hissing wildly.

“Edward!” The blonde vampire, Rosalie, hissed wildly to her brother. “Get Bella out of here!” She launched herself at the russet brown wolf as she screamed, aiming for his jugular. She recognized Jacob immediately and knew exactly why he was there. This was something she had hoped for. With a swift kick, she sent Jacob’s body flying through the window he had just entered from. She sneered and jumped out after him, ready to finish the fight.

Meanwhile Sam had begun squaring off with the largest Cullen, Emmett. The two well-skilled fighters locked in combat and quickly realized that they were equally matched; Emmett had his strength but Sam was gifted with agility. While Emmett grasped Sam’s neck and attempted to squeeze the life out of him, Sam slipped easily from his grasp and maneuvered away from them. The entire time he continuously chanted “hinder do not harm!”

Leah and Embry were not having as difficult of a time as Jacob and Sam. Esme was not, by nature, a fighter. It wasn’t that she lacked the strength, she simply lacked the skill . Leah and Embry had learned this while observing her fighting before and during the newborn attack. While the others would anticipate their opponent’s reactions, she would not. Every slash and kick was expected and prepared for. The fight had become a dance—well choreographed and planned.

Jacob was not as lucky. Rosalie fought with so much contempt, it was hard to keep track of her. Within the first few minutes, he felt himself losing his breath as she bounced from tree to tree, slashing at him with her claws. The place where she had kicked him was swelling and he wondered how many bones were broken. Glancing up, he caught sight of her lurching at him from the darkness and seized his opportunity. Despite the hinder do not harm rule, he opened his jaws and clamped down on her shoulder. The wolves knew to be careful when biting them; vampire venom was poisonous to wolves. A high pitched scream exited Rosalie’s mouth as Jacob shook her from side to side like a rag doll.

With a twist of his neck, he tossed the blonde back into the house and leapt after her, snarling viciously. She grasped at the rip in her skin, which was rapidly closing, and hissed wildly, her eyes burning into him with pure unadulterated hatred.

Meanwhile, Sam had succeeded in pinning Emmett to the ground and, following Jacob’s lead, sunk his teeth into the venom rich skin. The large vampire lurched forward and snapped at Sam’s throat, inches from making contact, before he was thrust backwards against the ground. Sam growled and snarled, snapping at the vampire’s surface, leaving a gash.

The blonde attempted to scramble to her feet beneath Jacob, but was met with his massive weight, pushing her back down. She locked eyes with the Emmett and they both growled loudly when they saw the damage that Sam and Jacob had inflicted on one another. Snapping their necks to the side, both of them attempted to bite the ankles of their captors.

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