Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

 Two Faced Liar

Jacob Black

Sam sighed as we reached the edge of the clearing, glancing back occasionally to make sure the leeches were gone. Despite our agreement, they were still our enemies and we didn’t harbor an inch of trust for them. Removing his pants, Sam shook his head and eyed me intently as I pulled my shorts off. This would seem strange to anyone else; two men undressing in front of each other in the dark forest. Hell, I can think of a three letter word that would describe this scene perfectly.

“That could have gone worse,” I murmured bluntly as I fastened my shorts around my ankle. No need for a naked Jacob to go wandering around La Push, even if I was a “protector.”

“Or better,” Sam said sternly as he began strapping his pants to his calf, faltering before finishing his knot. “Jacob…”

“Sam—don’t,” I asked sincerely after I quickly inspected his face and found it full of disapproval. “I really don’t want any pity.”

His neck jerked back indignantly and he leaned forward, glaring at me. “I don’t pity you, Jacob, not in the least. You are in this little love triangle by your choice, no one else’s”—I appreciated his brutal honesty— “but that’s not what I was going to say.”

I narrowed my eyes curiously as I stared at him, his face hard and serious, as it normally was. “What is it, then?”

“I need to know, Jacob,” he sighed as he stood up, “that you’re going to keep it together during…”

I didn’t need him to finish, I knew what he was asking. He wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t lose it during this little distraction. “Sam, I’m fine, really. I’m not the one you should be worried about, I mean, Paul—.”

“Paul,” Sam said fiercely, “follows the orders I give him. You were completely out of line out there, Jacob. We have the chance to get the Cullens out of Forks and instead you spend your time antagonizing Bella’s husband.” I grimaced lightly as he referred to the mind reading leech. “Yes, Jacob, as the others have pointed out, she made her choice and you should respect that.”

I gritted my teeth as my hands balled to tight fists. “It’s a mistake; she shouldn’t have married him, Sam!”

“I know, Jacob,” he said softly as he turned away from me, “but the mistake has been made. There is nothing more you can do about it.”

My fist reached out and pounded the ground beneath me, sending a cloud of dirt into the night air. “This isn’t fair,” I muttered softly.

“Life so rarely is,” Sam sighed as he turned back to me. “Come on, the others are expecting us.” With that, he dropped the subject and phased in front of me.

I took a deep breath, focused my thoughts, and submitted to the beast within. The change was instantaneous, bringing me to the pack’s awareness. I could hear Sam ordering everyone to rendezvous at our normal meeting spot: a clearing just north of La Push. My feet were moving swiftly beneath me as I approached the location. I trailed behind Sam and tried to keep my mind clear of any feelings—attempting to push Bella from my mind.

All right, everyone huddle up! Sam’s voice thundered through our minds, calling our attention. Once inside the clearing, we circled around our Alpha, standing at attention. Sam walked in a circle before beginning, making sure that we were paying attention. The rumor has been confirmed: she is pregnant.

A chorus of disgusted exclamations rang out from almost every member of the pack. Sam silenced them before he continued. We have formed another treaty with the leeches. If we help them, they promise to leave and never return.

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