The Party

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   Kyle and I finally made it to Alex's party after putting on fake blood. It was like any other Halloween party. Lights, music, food, and the occasional make out pairs in corners.

   Alex's house was a medium size. It was still bigger than your average house but it was still a good size. His front yard for filled with drunk teens and I could see lights flashing off in the back of his house. I couldn't really see because there was a white fence in my way.

   "Come on," I dragged Kyle to the front door. I didn't bother knocking since the door was open, so me and Kyle just barged right in.

   The inside was big just like the out. The furniture was moved to create more room in the living room. Probably also so no one gets anything broken or sabotaged.

   "Want a drink?" Kyle yelled over the loud music playing. "Sure!" I said back and hung out in a corner. I haven't been to any Halloween parties before that was just a normal party. The ones I've been to were for us slayers to go out and slay. It was fun though. We only did it for two hours, the time treat or treaters were out. Then we'd just celebrate and have candy. It was nice being a normal teenager for a little while though. I didn't have to worry about anything.

   "You came!" Someone said to me and interrupted my train of thought. I looked over to see Alex with a cup in his hand. A strong smell came from it and I instantly knew it was alcohol.

   "Of course! I wouldn't have missed it!" I smiled up at him. "Come with me to somewhere more quiet! I can hardly here you, Kate!" Alex said while dragging me to the back of the house. "I'm supposed to wait for Kyle!" I said but he kept dragging me. "Just for a moment!" He said.

   We got outside to his backyard and stopped right where a pool was. Teens were swimming and chatting around. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Alex asked while looking down at me. "I guess- I'm not really a party person." I said honestly. Parties just weren't my thing. I didn't fit in.

   "Ah. Well I hope you enjoy yourself at least." He said and took a gulp of what was in his cup. "Listen, Kate. I was wondering if-" Alex got interrupted when Kyle appeared with two cups. "I thought you were gonna wait, Kate." Kyle said with a frown upon his face. "I-" "I needed to talk to her," Alex said while interrupting me this time. "Well I'm sure it can wait then," Kyle said while glaring at Alex. What was their problem? "It can't wait," Alex said and turned to me. "Kate, will you go to the movies with me this Friday?" "She'll have to take a rain check. We're spending the evening together." Kyle answered for me. "Actually, Alex" I raised my eyebrow at Kyle. "I'd love to go to the movies with you." I smiled up at him. "Great. It's a date," He smiled back at me. "What the hell, Kate? Fridays are our days," Kyle said sternly. I sense jealousy~ "Exactly, Kyle. One day wouldn't kill you," I said. "Yeah, Kyle. One day wouldn't kill you~" Alex agreed, yet it sounded more like he was purposely was trying to get on Kyle's nerves. Kyle snarled and balled up his fist. "Kate, don't go." Kyle said while looking at me. "I can do whatever I want, Kyle." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Why do you care so much, Kyle?" Alex asked while smirking. "Do you lik-" Before he could finish, Kyle punched him. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" People crowded in a small circle around us by now and you know what? That's exactly what the boys gave them. "What a night," I said as I watched and drowned both mine and Kyle's drinks. After all, who doesn't love a fight?

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