New Year

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   Christmas break was over and so started a new year.

   As I walked down the hallways of my school I caught everyone staring at me. Was it what I was wearing? Or was it something else?

   Me and Kyle hung out during our Christmas break. The whole break we watched movies and slept at each other's houses like little kids.

   I haven't heard from Alex since then. It's not like I expected to either. He was a player in fact. I don't care anyways.

   I wore a vampire choker that had a bat on it, a striped black and white tank top with a crop top over it, black and white leggings with shorts over it, and my black combat boots.

   I opened my locker and grabbed out the books I needed for the day. Once I had them I shut my locker and turned around. There stood Alex himself.

   "Hey, Kate. I'm sorry about not talking to you during Christmas break. I was at my grandparents" He said sheepishly.

   "Okay...?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I honestly didn't care or have time for this. The bell was about to rang and I was supposed to meet Alex in our first class.

   "Yeah, so...would you like to go out this Saturday?" He asked after shifting his weight from one foot to another.

   "Look, Alex. You're a nice guy, but I'm not into you like that" I said. I honestly didn't want to date right now.

   "That's fine. See you around, Kate" He said and walked off.

   Ugh. Now I'm late. Thanks a lot, Alex.


   "Sorry I'm late" I said to Kyle once I took my seat down next to him. "What took you so long?" He questioned as the teacher walked in. "Just a misunderstanding. Don't worry." I gave him a reassuring smile as the teacher began the lesson for the day.


   "Want to hang out after school, Kate?" Kyle asked as we walked down to the cafeteria. It was finally lunch time. I was practically starving back there.

   "Sure. What did you have in mind?" I asked once I grabbed a tray off the stand. The food wasn't that terrible today. Everything actually looked good.

   Kyle grabbed a tray and we picked out food to eat. I got a salad, grapes, and a ham and cheese sandwich. Kyle got the same as me but instead of a ham and cheese sandwich he got a hamburger.

   We went over to our usual spot in the cafeteria. We would've went outside but it's still snowing and cold out since it's January.

   "So I was thinking," Kyle said inbetween bites as he ate his hamburger. "we should totally hang out at your place and watch some movies." He said then took a gulp out of his water bottle he had next to him.

   "Why is it always my place? Can't we hang at yours?" I raised my eyebrow at him once I was done eating my grapes.

   "Your place is fun and not lame. I'm at my house 24/7." I snorted at his reply. "You're always either at my place or somewhere else. Can't we just hang at yours just this once? Pleaseee?"  I almost drooled when I dragged out the please. This sandwich was practically to die for!

   "Ugh, whatever keeps you from having an orgasm over here. I don't want you to attract anymore weirdos." Kyle said while rolling his eyes. "Like you're not?" I wiped my face off with a napkin before I really did attract a weirdo. I already had one, I didn't need anymore.

   "I'm the best weirdo there is. Count yourself lucky, Kate." I ignored him and we both ate our lunches in silences after that. It was a comfortable silence though.

~End of the School Day~

   I closed my locker after putting my books away. It was finally the end of the day.

   "Ready?" Kyle asked after I straightened up. "As ready as I can be." I said.

   Kyle and I walked out of the school into the cloudy, snowy day. It was freezing out with the windshield alone. The snow was coming down lightly.

   We walked to Kyle's car and got in. After putting on our seat belts we set off into the sunset. At least we probably would if there was one, but there wasn't.

   After Kyle got into his driveway, he shut off the car and we both got out. We walked up to his house after he locked his car. I was I had a car.

   "Is your parents home?" I asked once we got inside his house. "They work during the day, so don't worry." He reassured me as I put my book bag down on his couch. Kyle went upstairs probably to put his bag in his room.

   I scanned the paintings above his fireplace. It was of him and his family. It looked like they were having a great time. Kyle looked a lot younger though. They were in a field where there was only one giant tree. The tree has leafs of all different colors falling off it. Kyle had a kite in his hands and so did his parents. The wind lightly blowing their hair back. It was rather beautiful and made me smile.

   Kyle came down and I turned around. He had changed into some black sweatpants and a hoodie.

   "Feed me." I told him after he was done putting in a movie.

   "As you wish, my dear." He went into the kitchen while I jumped onto his couch after throwing my bag on the floor. It took up my space.

   "What did you want to eat?" Kyle called out from the kitchen. "You." I replied right back at him.

   After about two minutes Kyle came into the living room with some hotdogs. "Try this wiener before you eat mine. You have to practice or else you'll choke." Kyle said and sat down next to me. "Can't wait." I winked at him as I deep throated my wiener.

   This night is going to be quite interesting if we keep this up. I might even have to reconsider coming over to his house next time. Jeez.


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