The War Part 2

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   Blood...Blood everywhere. Bodies, both Vampire and Slayer alike dead on the solid, green grass covered ground.

   Two hours has passed. There was still at least seventy five soldiers of Vampires and Slayers.

   The bright, full moon lighted up the battlefield. No person should ever see this. It would ruin their pureness. I know there will be a good outcome in the end. That's why we're doing this after all. Protecting the humans that is.

   I threw one of my small stakes that was strapped to my hip at a old looking vampire's chest. He, of course, landed on the ground dead as the dead could be.

   I felt someone grab my hair that was in a high pony tail and yank as hard as they could. My head snapped back as they leaned and beared their sharp, white fangs at my neck.

   Quickly, I stabbed them with the giant stake in my hand. They released my hair and I rubbed the back of neck. That would be sore in the morning.

   Two more male vampires ran at me, hissing as well.

   I punched the smaller looking guy in the face and the other guy I stabbed in his side with my stake.

   They hissed once more before another vampire ran at me. Can't I catch a break?! I screamed mentally.

   The small guy, that was now on the ground tripped me and I fell over. All three vampires took this a chance to attack.

   The tall vampire that came with the short one kept me pinned to the ground while the other two vampires beared their fangs at me.

   A couple fellow Slayers came up behind them and stabbed them, quickly ending their meal on short notice.

   I thanked the fellow Slayers as they pulled me up. Each nodding before leaving me.

   I ran off in a different direction. Hopefully I won't get tagged teamed again. Not in a perverted sense that is.


   A few Slayers and I would team up while killing the bloodsuckers occasionally. The numbers of members in each party would decrease rapidly as the night carried on.

   A woman, no older than twenty-four, came charging at me with her bangs and claws bared.

   She had light brown hair and honey brown eyes. She was also around 5'9".

   "Die, Slayer!" She hissed at me.

   I tripped her over and jammed my elbow into her back, causing her to double over.

   She hissed once again before using her vampire speed to get up.

   I held my stake up as well as my guard.

   I could felt a dark presence behind me. Quickly I turned and seen the vampire woman standing before me. I caught a glimpse of familiar hazel eyes off into the distance from behind her.

   Off guard the girl took this as a chance to lunge at me. I lost my footing and fell along with the vampire.

   She slapped me, her long nails leaving a bloody trail. By now I probably have nail marks all over my face. What is with vampires and using their claws?

   "That's not a bad look on you~" She said while licking her lips.

   "This isn't a bad look for you either." I took the stake from my hand and stabbed her in the chest.

   Her eyes widened, a shocked expression on her face. She fell over before muttering a quiet, "Bitch..." Before she died.

   I quickly pulled the stake out of her chest. I needed to find those familiar pairs of eyes. I ran off into the direction I seen them.

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