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"No...Five more minutes..." I groaned trying to go back to sleep but the noise got louder so I decided to get up.

I turned off the rachet alarm clock and headed to the bathroom with a new pair of socks, clothes, and undergarments.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in my fresh clean clothes. My clothes consisted of a white shirt with slits in the bicep and shoulder area and black skinny jeans with slits in the thigh area.

I decided to leave my hair down today, so I just brushed it out. Then, I did simple makeup consisting of just eyeliner and mascara. I also put on deodorant and a quick spray of perfume so I smelled good and not something died inside of me because that's how much I hated school.

I threw on my shoes and my book bag after I was done in the bathroom then headed downstairs for something to eat.

On the counter in the kitchen was a note from my mom along with a banana and a muffin, which was now my favorite thing to eat for breakfast.

I left for work, of course you already know that. Here's some breakfast since I know you're always hurrying. Have fun at school.
Love you, mom.
P.s. xoxo"

I smiled at her note and ate the banana and muffin slowly. The last thing I'd need is to choke and die now.

After I was done I walked to school. The sun was out brightly and it was a nice warm out so I took my time to school.

"Hey, Kate" a deep voice spoke to my side and I jumped probably a foot high.

"Dammit, Alex!" I glared at him after seeing it was only him.

He was wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt. He had his hair styled and even had sunglasses on.

He laughed at my reaction before putting on that puppy dog face people do. "I'm sorry, Kate."

I huffed, not giving into him and decided not to speak to him.

"Oh, come on." He nudged me, "Kate...?" He frowned.

"What?" I squinted up at him since he was walking on the side where the sun was.

"How've you been?" He smiled.

"Fine..." I sighed.

" come just fine?" He asked with genuine concern.

"Well, I had to end my... friendship? With Kyle over some personal reasons." I sighed again. I did miss him. It shouldn't matter what we are but rules are rules. I didn't want to have to kill him. There was some good vampires in the world, but not everyone is good.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Alex said and I shrugged.

We finally made it to the school and Alex stopped me from walking.

"You can always talk to me, Kate." He gave me a warm smile yet there was a different meaning held in his eyes. What could it be...?

After a few classes later it was finally lunch. I grabbed my usual and headed to my usual spot.

The wind blew through my hair as I scanned the courtyard. There was boys throwing footballs and cheerleaders practicing their cheers.

I ate my pepperoni and cheese pizza slice in silence and took a sip of my Pepsi.

As I continued, something caught my line of hearing.

There, on the side of the school, stood Alex and Kyle. I didn't know what they were saying since they were far away so I decided to go see what the commotion was about, so I dumped my trash in a nearby trash can on the way.

As I got closer I could make out a few words of what they were saying. I decided to peak around the corner to get a better view and to hear clearer.

"Why can't you just leave things alone?" Kyle glared at Alex as he spoke.

Leave what alone? I wondered.

"Why don't you back off, bud. All you're doing is hurting her." Alex sneered.

I came out from where I was hiding and put my arms acrossed my chest.

"What the hell is going on?" I frowned my brows at the two.

"Don't worry about it, Kate" Alex said.

"You shouldn't be here, Kate." Kyle spoke lowly.

Kyle had on black skinny jeans with a chain hanging from them as well as a white shirt and a black leather jacket. His hair had that messy look to it.

"Why are you guys always fighting?!" I demanded. I wasn't leaving till I had an answer.

Kyle was the first one to speak. "I know Alex."

"So?" I asked and neither one of them answered me yet they held glares at each other.

"She obviously doesn't want to be by you," Alex spoke.

"And how would you know that?" Kyle put his arms acrossed his chest defensively.

"Because we talked this morning on the way to school," Alex smirked.

Kyle looked to me to see if it was true and I looked away.

"At least I'm honest with her. Why don't you tell her the truth." Kyle seethed.

"What truth?" I asked confused and looked over to Alex but he didn't look at me.

"Kate, Alex is a vampire and is using you because he knows who you are." Kyle said and I couldn't believe this.

I was supposed to be the best yet I couldn't even tell I was hanging with vampires. What the hell was wrong with me?

I stood there not knowing what to say or do as I stared at the ground.

"Kate?" Kyle asked. I didn't respond.

"Kate...?" Alex asked yet I didn't respond to him either.

Alex was about to come closer to me probably to comfort me, but why?

"Don't touch me!" I glared at Alex with pure hate. It's one thing to be a vampire, but to use me? Yeah, no.

I glared at them both with hate and betrayal before running away.

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