Chapter Six: Into The Lost Empire

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Kyle was in a very uncomfortable spot right now. During his duel with Raxon, the power of the Dark Light had peered its head, but in an entirely new way that Kyle had never before experienced, and apparently, it was enough to unsettle Sky and Raxon, as they both headed below decks and left Kyle alone. He looked up at the sky as he sat down on the deck, and he sighed. He then looked at his hands and wondered again about what Raxon meant about the deity. But right now, he didn't have time for any questions, so instead, he refocused his mind on his main mission. Just when Kyle was about to stand up, a portal opened out of nowhere, and a blinding light emanated from said portal, temporarily blinding Kyle. When his vision recovered, he noticed that now the ship seemed to be inside a cavern, as nothing but a rocky ceiling loomed above him. He thought this environment bizarre, and just then, he heard faint footsteps. It was Sky and Raxon, who had come above decks. Kyle approached them.

" I to guess we've arrived at a new world?" he asked, but Raxon ignored him and walked to the side of the ship. Instead, Sky nodded his head.

"It seems so, kupo..." the moogle answered cautiously, trying to avoid looking at Kyle.

"Look...I know that what happened earlier was...unexpected, but you don't have to alienate yourselves from me just because of that! I'm not the bad guy!" Kyle protested, but Raxon just raised his hand, ordering Kyle to remain silent.

"Wha—hey! You don't have to be such a jerk!" he exclaimed, and at that, Raxon clenched his fists, turned around, faced Kyle and held him by the collar of his shirt.

"I said...shut up!" Raxon demanded, and at that, Kyle reluctantly complied. Sky looked at the two with concern. All of a sudden, the ship stopped abruptly, and Kyle and Raxon fell down, while Sky, with his wings, remained aloft in the air.

"Whoa, what happened!?" Kyle asked in surprise. Raxon sighed and rolled his eyes.

"And here I thought we could pass through here without being detected..." the pirate muttered under his breath, and in a moment's notice, foes came from all sides and climbed into the ship. They looked like tribesmen, and they wore huge masks apparently carved out of wood, with glowing, almost neon blue eyes, and they had sharp spears at the ready. The three travelers now felt quite uncomfortable. Sky then calmly floated by.

"I'll handle this, kupo!" the little moogle said to his two friends, and then, he went towards the tribesmen, slowly and cautiously.

"What is he doing!?" Kyle whispered.

"Just relax, it'll be fine, mate..." Raxon answered softly, and the two saw how Sky started to speak an unknown language to the tribesmen. As a few seconds passed, the tribesmen lowered their weapons and nodded at the moogles words, and then one of the tribesmen removed his mask, revealing a middle aged man who looked formidable yet kind.

"I understand. So you are friends of our king, then!" the man said, and the moogle nodded.

"That's right, we came by here a long time ago! If you take us to him, he can confirm our identities, kupo!" Sky suggested, and at that, the man nodded.

"Then that is what shall be done. Obviously, for security reasons, we must escort you to the king's throne, just to make sure you do not try anything funny." the man explained.

"Okay, kupo!" Sky replied, and with that, the tribesmen leapt down the ship and started walking down what seemed to be an ancient stone path, and they signaled the three travelers to follow them. Kyle stood up and looked at Sky with an impressed expression.

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