Chapter Forty: Wishes For The Future

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And so, night fell on Alaya's temple. The shining sun gave way to a serene, calm moon. Before the moon was high up in the sky, the land was already embraced in its pale light. The ocean waves softly hissed behind the temple, and the fields were calm, a small gust of wind blowing through them! The Dandelions were all outside, gazing upon the many stars in the sky, and they were wandering around the fields surrounding Alaya's temple. They were taking in their surroundings and enjoying every moment of it! Elina was near the temple's entrance, and she smiled as she saw all of her friends enjoying the air, the earth beneath their feet. She also enjoyed this very much. Another of the Dandelions, Matthew, stood beside her.

"Who knew we'd ever see the world like this?" he asked. Elina smiled.

"I know what you mean...when we were sealed away, I knew we were to sleep for a very long time, but never did I expect so many years to pass! It's truly something! The worlds are in chaos, though, so that's the only sad thing that I can say about this..." she remarked.

"That may be true, but even with all the chaos, the worlds are still beautiful. Just look at this place, for instance! Everyone's dazzled by it, including me! It's like...this place is heaven! Even though the worlds are being threatened by darkness, there's still beauty in the world. I think that beauty is worth fighting for." Matthew said, offering his insight on things. Elina looked at him and was impressed.

"Those were some find words. Heh, very inspirational indeed." she replied. The two of them laughed together, but then they looked down at the ground sadly. They didn't look at each other for a while, and then they looked up to the sky.

"So...when this is over, we'll die, won't we?" Matthe asked, trying not to choke up. Elina gave out a sigh, though she was holding back her tears as well.

"It can't be helped...we've been sealed away for so long...our power can only be of use for a limited time, and after that, we's not a pretty picture, to be honest..." she answered.

"No...not at all. But at least we get to see the world before we die, so that's something!" Matthew said, now struggling to smile, until he could finally manage to form one! Elina hugged Matthew and she started to cry.

"I don't want to die...I want to be able to live in this world!" she said as she hugged him tightly! Matthew went silent, for he knew that nothing he could say could alleviate the grim truth they faced. Unfortunately, they were fated to die, and there was nothing to stop that fate from coming to pass. Matthew began to cry as well, and the two Dandelions embraced each other tightly. They would probably never embrace like this again, so they decided to make this embrace count!

"Even though our time is limited...let's try and set things right as best as we can!" Matthew said encouragingly. Elina wiped off her tears and then she nodded slowly.

"Yes...with the strength given to us...we'll make a difference! That holds true for all of us!" she replied, and the two of them looked at the other Dandelions, who were all standing, looking at them. It seems they had been listening in on Matthew and Elina's conversation, and even though sadness could be reflected in their eyes, their faces bore a different story. They were determined to make their brief existence count for something! They knew they had to make the most out of this!

A little further off from the temple, near the shore that faced the ocean, Vanitas stood on the sand near the water. His feet were getting wet with the rising tide, but he didn't mind it much. No, he found it rather relaxing! He had his arms crossed, and he was looking towards the horizon of the ocean. What he was thinking of, no one could guess! But in his face, an expression of contemplation and deep though was present, as if he had been thinking a great deal about something. He was by his lonesome, but he felt that he was being watched. He knew that it wasn't an enemy, rather, just a friend spying on him. He glanced over his shoulder and then looked back at the ocean.

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