Chapter Nine: At World's End

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"Ugh...huh? I?"

"Well well, it seems as though you've finally woken up!" Jexana said with a smirk, sitting down on a chair and staring at the woman who had just woken up. The woman instantly tried to sit up, but she felt as if her body was made of stone, for she couldn't move!

"What have you done to me!? And what have you done to Ven!?" she demanded furiously, as she noticed she was on a bed, and Jexana simply giggled.

"Oh, you worry too much, Trish! My darling little Ventus is doing just fine under my care! Why, I think he's better than he ever was before! And you have me to thank for that!" Jexana replied as she crossed her arms. Trish glared at her and tried to move, but it was no use.

"Go to hell!" she shouted out, and at that, Jexana burst out laughing. She really seemed to be enjoying this!

"Oh ho, well, aren't you being aggressive? You should really consider just who you're talking to! Because one more insult like that..." she started to say, and then she summoned a sharp, dark dagger and pointed it at Trish's throat. Jexana made her point quite clear.

"Well, I don't think I have to explain myself, do I?" she asked, and Trish remained silent. She then unsummoned her dark dagger and shook her head.

"Oh, you definitely are a piece of work! You rest and think just how much of use you can be to me, you hear me?" she proclaimed, and then she opened the door and closed it shut under lock and key. She then looked at one of the guards waiting outside, and she looked at him.

"Keep watch, and let me know if she acts up." she relayed her orders, and the soldier nodded and stood by the door dutifully. Then, she went above decks for some fresh air. She noticed that Emmxett was standing quietly, looking at the stars. She then walked towards him and stood by his side.

"Thinking of something?" she asked. Emmxett looked at her momentarily before looking back at the stars.

"I'm just gazing at the stars, appreciating the peaceful scenery. It's not every day that we see nights such as this. It really does make you feel like a small part of a much bigger universe, wouldn't you agree? Breathing in this air, looking at all the worlds that lie before us and everywhere else, one can't help but feel helplessly small. It's a wonder how the universe works, wouldn't you say? Anyways, enough of this. I received a report from one of our scouts. It seems that two more armies of Keyblade Wielders had sided with us, and they are on their way to us as we speak. It seems that they are very enthusiastic on the idea of siding with us, a fact I find very advantageous. We already have a massive fleet, and now we add two armies of Keyblade Wielders, and it all adds up to our forces becoming that much stronger. It's good news, if I do say so myself." he said, as he alternated glances to Jexana and then to the stars again. She nodded and gave a satisfied smile.

"That is good news indeed. Thank you for the report." she said. Emmxett then cleared his throat and seemed a bit uncomfortable. Jexana immediately noticed this and then crossed her arms.

"Is there something else you wish to say?" she asked, and then he scratched his head before answering. He looked to the left, and then Jexana glanced back, and noticed that he was looking at Ventus, who was staring at the endless horizon of the Lanes Between, silent and still. She then glanced back at Emmxett.

"What about him?" she asked.

"It seems to me that we're on borrowed time with him...he may be under your spell now, but what if he breaks free? If he's able to break out of his trance, he'll pose a serious problem, and when he finds out that Trish is here, well, I don't think I have to be much clearer than that..." he said cautiously. Jexana shook her head and smirked.

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