Chapter Forty One: Owari Part 1: The Storm Comes

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It was late into the evening, and everyone in Alaya's temple had gone to sleep. It was a peaceful night, one that was quite contrary to what would transpire the next day. It was the kind of night that would prompt someone to want it to stay like that. While everyone was asleep, Raxon was wide awake. He was alone this time, though, as Sky was sleeping in the sleeping quarters upstairs. Raxon had snuck out and was sitting just outside the temple's entrance! He looked at the full moon and its pale light shining upon the landscape. He felt at peace, watching how the entire world was so still and silent. Even the wind was speaking in a whisper, as a soft breeze passed through. Raxon looked at the moon, and he gave out a sigh.

"So...tomorrow it all goes down." he thought to himself. "I have to make it my priority to make sure that Sky survives this...he has to. After everything he's gone through, he deserves happiness! He has to survive this war!" he thought, his fists clenching. He then stood up and went inside the temple, and then he went up to the sleeping quarters. Since there were many people sleeping in the temple, the sleeping quarters were divided into different rooms along quite a stretched out hallway! There were doors as far as the eye could see! The dim lit torches lit up the way for Raxon so that he wouldn't stumble in the dark.

As he walked towards the sleeping quarters where Sky was sleeping, he noticed that one of the doors was slightly open! This piqued his curiosity, and although he wasn't one for peeking into another person's room, but something prompted him to do so! And so, he quietly swung the door open, and that's when he saw Ventus, Trish and Kyle sleeping on the floor! Or, to be more precise, they were sitting on the floor, and apparently they had fallen asleep, and they just happened to be sitting when they dozed off. Raxon noticed that they didn't have a blanket on them, and the night was a bit chilly, too! Raxon scoffed softly.

"Heh, you three are going to catch a cold...then how will you fight?" he whispered. He then saw the blanket on the bed, and then he took it, stretched it out and gently put it on Ventus, Trish and Kyle! Instantly, small smiles could be seen on their faces. Apparently, they felt warm now, and they snuggled up a bit. Raxon looked at them thoughtfully, and he rubbed his chin.

"This is your family, eh Kyle?" he asked to himself. "You've got something worth fighting for...good for you..." he said softly, and then he yawned, for sleep was catching up to him! He stretched his arms out and then quietly made his way out of the room, and closed the door gently on the way out. Afterwards, he went into his quarters and threw himself on the bed, and in a few minutes, he fell asleep.

Then, morning came, and as the sun rose on Alaya's temple, Raxon woke up and rubbed his eyes! He looked around and noticed that Sky wasn't there. Maybe he was already downstairs, he thought! And so, he gathered himself and stood up and then headed downstairs. When he did so, he noticed that everyone in the temple was going abuzz! Preparations were being made left and right, and everyone was making ready for battle!

Everyone headed outside, where Alaya was, and they all stopped when she raised her hand. They fell silent, as they knew she was about to say a few words.

"My dear marks a heroic day in history, as we all go forth to do battle with Jexana's forces! We got to protect the worlds, their people, and the ones we love! We are ready to make the ultímate sacrifice, so that the worlds can carry on even after we are gone! The enemy shall know our resolve and our power, and they will know our strength! No matter their numbers, no matter their ferocity, we shall prevail!" she declared! She then drew her Keyblade and raised it up to the sky! "I, the Forger Alaya, shall accompany you all on this war! Even though my duty is to forge, I cannot just sit back and watch others fight for me! I must make this fight my own as well! I must do my part in bringing balance to the worlds, to all universes! I shall charge headfirst into battle, and I shall give it my all! What about all of you!? Will you give it your all!?" she demanded, to which everyone replied with roaring shouts of approval and courage!

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