Chapter Forty Nine: Owari Part 9: What Could Have Been

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Jexana now seemed different! She didn't have that confident look that had been plastered on her face this whole time! No, her expression changed drastically! She now looked tired. She looked roughed up, almost as if she had gone cold...she had steely eyes and a grim expression, and Ventus knew that from here on out, things would get only more difficult! As Jexana charged towards him and delivered the first blows, Ventus managed to block them, but he was blown away by the sheer force with which Jexana pushed him back! He was now floating, as he had no stable ground to stand on! He then hovered down to one of the many streams of light that were all over the place, and he slid along it, and began firing multiple Firaga spells! Jexana blocked them all, disappeared, and then reappeared behind Ventus, almost managing to behead him! He was lucky that he glanced back, or otherwise, he would've met his demise then and there! He backflipped and was now floating again!

"I can't fight like this...I'm going to lose concentration! I need to think of something!" Ventus thought to himself. Then, he thought of something! He concentrated his energies for a moment, and then he unleashed a powerful Stun Impact attack that shattered some nearby boulders into pieces! He then used Graviga and Magnega, combined the effects of the spells, and created a large platform with the shattered pieces of the boulders he had destroyed! He was now standing on stable ground, and then, he placed multiple Mine Square and Mine Shield spells around him, hoping this would buy him enough time in order to try to catch Jexana off guard! But all she had to do was swing the X-Blade once, and she dispelled Ven's Mine spells, and then she quickly dashed towards him, and Ventus had no choice but to try to keep up with her relentless attacks, which caused ripples that resonated all around them!

"I've had enough of this...if you won't be mine...then I'll just have to end you!" she spoke grimly, as she and Ventus reached a stalemate! Ventus tried to hold on as much as he could, and he looked into Jexana's eyes, and he honestly felt pained by what was happening!

"Jexana...this doesn't have to end like this! This conflict, this chaos, it's unnecesary! You can put a stop to this before it's too late!" Ventus pleaded, trying to make Jexana listen to reason!

"It's already too late...I've come this far...I might as well destroy the worlds...once my task is done, the worlds will be in a state of rebirth...they'll take shape, and new life shall spring! Kingdom Hearts shall see to that!" she stated, as they traded blows!

"But you'll be destroying countless lives! Isn't that something that weighs on your heart, on your very soul!?" Ventus exclaimed, as he pushed Jexana back with a spin attack! She staggered momentarily, but quickly recovered, just as Ventus had shot some Blizzaga crystals her way!

"My mind's already made up! I've waited too long for this, and I won't let you stop me now, Ventus!" she replied, defiant! Ventus shook his head in disbelief, and the two continued to clash, even in strength! But it was only a matter of time before Jexana drew a sigil out of thin air, which reproduced her own version of the Ragnarok attack! Instead of red beams, they were a silver color! Ventus quickly tried to back away as best as he could, managing to block some of the beams, but dodging the others! When the last beams didn't reach him, Jexana thrusted forward and created a giant sigial which summoned forth a circle of flame! It was a fiery scarlet, and Jexana looked at Ventus from the other side.

"A little trick I learned from your dead fairy friend..." she replied. But Ventus mustered all the strength he could, and with one powerful sweep, he dissolved the fire, snuffing it out, catching Jexana off guard momentarily!

"Jexana!!!!" he shouted, but then was pushed back forcefully by just a light hit from her palm, which sent him flying across the expanse of Kingdom Hearts! He crashed through some boulders, and then he landed on a small chunk of earth! He landed with quite a thud, and he held his sides, for they hurt badly! As he stood up, he noticed Jexana, far in the distance, charging up a powerful attack! Ventusu was thinking what he could do next, and as he looked around, he tried to find something that could help him in this situation! But then, something else caught his eye! What looked to be some sort of closed space, many rock pillars clustered together! It took him a few seconds to realice that his friends were all trapped in there!

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