Chapter Twenty Two: The Journey For The Keys Begins

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Kyle remained puzzled. Braig was just smiling, while Kyle was getting increasingly confused as to what was going on! A moment ago, he had been knocked unconscious, and now, when he was back up on his feet, he found that he was with Braig! He had summoned his Keyblade and held it tightly, ensuring not to get his eyes off of Braig! He sidestepped around him, making sure that he wouldn't try anything funny! Braig simply crossed his arms and kept smirking. Apparently, Kyle was going to be of "use" to him! Kyle pointed his Keyblade at Braig, and stood firm, trying to give off an intimidating vibe! Apparently, it didn't work, for Braig simply chuckled.

"Yep, you got the same angry look in your eyes...but anyways, I've heard about these Keys Of Balance...and I want to get my hands on one! Then, not only will I be a full fledged Keyblade Wielder, but I'll also be the most powerful man alive! Heh, and after all these years, all my work towards getting a Keyblade will have finally paid off! But anyways, this isn't something I'll be able to do on my own, though, so I'm going to need your help!" Braig explained. Kyle shook his head and clenched his fists.

"And what makes you think I'd help you!? You almost killed me!" Kyle roared back. Braig gave out a shrug.

"Okay, I get it, you're holding a grudge on me, aren't ya? about this? I'm gonna give you one free shot so you can get back at me for almost killing you! I don't give this kind of opportunity to just anyone, so consider yourself lucky!" Braig said, as he spread his arms wide, ready to welcome any kind of damage Kyle was ready to dish out! Kyle remained still for a moment, and he thought that maybe this was some sort of trap...or maybe some sort of test? A few seconds loomed, and a stiff air loomed about them. Kyle was tempted to really do a number on Braig, but something in his heart told him not to, and he stood down.

"Ah, I knew it! You're too much of a softy! Heh, I should've figured you aren't the type to harm others in cold blood." Braig said as he crossed his arms. Kyle glared at him.

"Don't get the wrong idea! It's not that I didn't want to go at's just that, well, I want to fight you in a fair fight! Even though you're a dirty fighter, I have my honor, and I won't let it go to waste!" Kyle retorted. Braig then gave out a fullhearted laugh!

"Whoo boy, talk about noble! But anyways, now that it seems we're best buds, I want you to take a look around this place. Tell me what you see." Braig said. Kyle at first hesitated, but out of curiosity, he decided to take a look around where he was. Since he was high above a cliff, he could see the entire area he was in from a 360 perspective! As he looked around, he noticed that there was nothing but barren wasteland...mountain after mountain after mountain, and then, nothing but more barren wasteland! There was a thick fog, or rather, a thick cloud of sand that didn't let Kyle see anything down below, so he couldn't make out anything much. As he kept looking, he then noticed that a sand cloud slowly drifted by, allowing him to see what awaited on the ground below. When he laid eyes on what was on the ground, he gasped!

"Wait...are those...? Kyle began to ask.

"Yep. Keyblades. Millions of them just stabbed into the ground like that. Let me tell you a story, kid." Braig said as he sat down near the edge of the cliff.

"As you probably already know, long ago, in what people call the age of fairy tales, an entity known as Kingdom Hearts reigned supreme over the world, giving light and warmth to everyone. Every person in the world loved the light. Until, of course, people began fighting over it. Fast forward to lots of battles ensuing, and because of people's obsession with the light, they waged war with each other to control the light! This was known as the first Keyblade War!" Braig said, mimicking a dramatic narration, waving his hands here and there. "That's the story the old coot told me back when I worked with him. He would always tell me that he was fascinated with that story, and that he wanted to recreate it. Heh...old times." he said, reminiscing the old days. Kyle, meanwhile, looked on in silence.

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