Chapter Twenty Seven: Kingdom Hearts

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A bright light...

Nothing more than the pure brightness of said light....

Kairi opened her eyes slowly, the light bothering her eyes. But even as she opened them, she found she had to close them again, for the light that was facing her was so bright, that she couldn't afford to look at it for too long! Even with her eyes closed, she could feel the burning sensation of the light caressing her face! She breathed softly, and she felt as though she was slowly falling. Not, not falling. More like...floating! At first, Kairi couldn't make out what was happening, but then, a quick flash of memory passed through her mind, and she remembered the very last thing she did! The ice creature she had been battling alongside Maleficent, Pete, Armored Eraqus and Guardian Xehanort was about to unleash its final attack, and in a last ditch effort, Kairi had taken the full force of the attack and destroyed the ice creature with a powerful attack of her own! And then, after that, only a bright, white flash pierced through her eyes! She then came to the realization...

"Am I...dead?" she asked. Suddenly, she felt her feet land on something, indicating that if she had been floating, she had now stopped. This time, she made an attempt to remain with her eyes open, and with that, she opened them wide, and then she noticed that the previously blinding light had now dimmed down. She then noticed that she seemed to be in some kind of garden! She saw all manner of beautiful flowers and trees, and beautifully decorated benches and a great, big water fountain, which is where she had precisely landed on! She felt the cold water soothing her hands and feet, and then she noticed her reflection on the water. She then stood up and looked around, and a sudden breeze gently blew past her.

" this...?" she asked to herself. But the stopped asking herself the question, and instead, she started to look around. Beyond the garden where she was, an immense field expanded before her! The grasslands extended for miles and miles without count! The sky above was as clear blue as it could be, with not a cloud in sight! In the distance, she could make out what seemed to be an ocean! She immediately had goosebumps going through all her body!

"This is...." she started to say.

"That is correct. This is Kingdom Hearts." a voice behind her said. Kairi immediately turned around to see who the person was, and it turned out to be someone she had been before!

"Wait, you're...that child! You're the one who helped us when battling Xylek! You're from here!" Kairi said as she looked at the child in awe. The child nodded and put his hands behind his back and walked until he was in front of her, his back facing her as he looked at the horizon.

"That is correct. I am glad you remembered me." he said as he glanced back with a smile. Kairi was a little overwhelmed, and then she stuttered a bit before asking the question she had in her mind...

"Am I...?" she started to ask. The child nodded.

"Yes. You are indeed dead. Your actions in the world of the living definitely proved to end your life, as your sacrificed yourself to save those who were with you. Your allies. I have to say, I did not expect you to perform such an action. Especially to save people who at one point were your enemies..." the child said, stating his thoughts. Kairi gave out a sigh and crossed her arms.

"That doesn't matter. Even though they were enemies, now they are doing all they can to help my friends stop the Keyblade War that's going to destroy everything! They were helping us, and so, I knew I had to protect them, because they were doing the same for me!" she explained. The child turned around and looked at Kairi with a curious expression, and then he sat under a big, wide tree, making sure to sit in the shade. He smiled and put his knees close to his chest and he placed his head on top of his arms.

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