Chapter Ten: The Song Has Been Sung

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After treading upwards to the sand dune they had aimed for, Dawn and Kairi finally reached the top of said dune, and when they looked downhill, they noticed Riku and the others along with Barbossa and his crew as well! They quickly ran down towards them, and they were relieved that all of them had made it and that no one had gotten hurt! Well...almost everybody. It turned out that there were some crew members who had fallen off of the ship while falling down the abysmal waterfall. While it was unfortunate, at least most of the crew had survived. But now, they remained silent for a moment, while Barbossa simply looked around. Gibbs stepped forward, as if to speak what everyone was thinking.

"Barbossa, are ye be sure that this is the locker?" he asked. Barbossa turned around slowly to face Gibbs and nodded, and then glanced at Riku and the others.

"Aye...this be the locker. I remember this place from when Jack and his friends Mr. Turner, Sora, Donald and Goofy had sent me down here when the curse of the Aztec gold had been lifted..." he said, and at that, everyone's eyes widened.

"Wait, you mean, Sora had fought you before?" Riku asked as he summoned his Keyblade. Barbossa gave out a mighty hearty laugh, and he grabbed his sides, for he seemed to be enjoying Riku's question.

"Aye, lad. But ye be not worrying about me figihting ya. If it weren't apparent to ye yet, then it should be apparent to ye now...the song has been sung, and now, every pirate that once had been foe must stand together and face Cutler Beckett and the East India Trading Company..." he explained. Riku could tell that Barbossa wasn't telling any lies, so he unsummoned his Keyblade, but still thought to himself that it was best to keep a watchful eye on Barbossa.

"So, where to now?" Will Turner asked. Barbossa simply shook his head.

"We're already in the locker, and since we all know that Jack ain't be going anywhere else, this is where we'll find him...but how we'll find him, is the question. The locker is a vast it's best we start searching!" he answered, and with that, everyone departed the shore and started to look around for any signs of Jack. The Keyblade Wielders remained closely together. Dawn walked closely beside Riku and held his hand. They both smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Dawn asked, looking at Riku's wounds. He simply nodded.

"I'm doing much better now, thankfully. My wounds almost don't hurt anymore. I still struggle a bit, but at least I'm not dead weight." he said with a smile. Dawn kissed his shoulder and shook her head.

"Even if you were still badly hurt, you know you wouldn't be dead weight." she replied.

"Heh, thanks for that, Dawn." Riku said with a smile, and with that, they kissed each other lovingly. Afterwards, to their left, they noticed someone walking, a woman with her head bowed. She looked like one of Barbossa's crew. She seemed as if she was lamenting something...

"Wait...haven't I seen her before?" Riku asked aloud. Mickey, who had caught up to them, noticed the woman as well, and then he nodded.

"Oh, I remember who that lady is! Riku, remember when we came to Jack Sparrow when the Black Pearl was under attack?" the little mouse asked. Riku nodded.

"Yeah, I remember." he replied.

"Well, that lady is Elizabeth Swann, if I'm not mistaken. She was with Will and the others!" Mickey said. At that, Riku nodded.

"Hmm, I see. Should we talk to her?" he asked. Mickey thought twice before answering.

"Well, I don't think right now would be the best time for talking...she seems to be sorting some things out on her own!" the little mouse answered. And so, they decided to leave her alone.

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