Chapter Twelve: An Incredible Meeting

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After a two day voyage, the Keyblade Wielders and the crew of the Black Pearl were far into the sea. They hadn't come across any obstacles, and thankfully, no enemies had appeared before them either. They were all calm, but they kept their guards up in any case. They made sure they were ready for battle the moment things got tough! During these two days, the Keyblade Wielders had been helping the crew out while resting up their strength. Dexers, however, was quite out of it. He had a heavy feeling that was burdening him, and he put his hand to his chest. He still couldn't believe what the silver haired woman had told him about him having a heart. But weren't Nobodies supposed to be devoid of a heart? But then, he shook his head. It all made sense! He wouldn't be feeling the things he did if he didn't have a heart, so the woman's words had to prove true! But he still found it unbelieavable. The others had noticed his distant behavior, but they had decided to let him be.

Mickey and Kairi were now fully recovered, although their bodies felt a bit sore! They walked towards Jack and Barbossa, who were standing side by side at the helm, steering the Pearl on its course! Jack mumbled to himself annoyingly, as Barbossa happily steered the ship. Kairi looked at the two of them and then she put her arms behind her back.

"So, where is this Brethren Court going to be held?" she asked, feeling curious. Barbossa glanced over his shoulder before answering, and he gave a proud smirk.

"That, lass, be the place we pirates know as Shipwreck Cove! It be a fortified fortress made up of many pirate ships! It has never been sieged, and it never will be! That is where all Brethren Courts have taken place since time immemorial!" he explained. Kairi couldn't help but feel wonder at the mention of this Shipwreck Cove, and the fact that it's been around for that long!

"Do you think the other Pirate Lords will show up?" Mickey asked. Jack nodded.

"Aye, I've no doubt they will. According to what Hector here has been telling me, we pirates are in a bit of a sticky situation, and even though we're all traitorous maggots, there are times that even we unite in times of crisis, if you catch my drift." he said, although his face indicated that he'd rather be going anywhere else than Shipwreck Cove.

"I see. Well, if there's anything you need, you be sure to let us know, okay?" Kairi said. Jack and Barbossa both nodded in unison.

"We'll be keeping that in mind, lass." Jack replied.

And so, as Kairi and Mickey went elsewhere on the ship, Dawn and Riku were below decks. In the past two days, Riku had been in very gruesome pain, and even though he had tried his best to ignore said pain, he hadn't been able to anymore, and thus, he was being treated by Dawn. Every time she tried to apply a potion, Riku winced in pain. And it didn't help that Curaga spells weren't helping either! Dawn touched Riku's face and smiled shyly.

"You're too reckless, Riku! You have to remember that you aren't at your full strength!" she said in a scolding tone. Riku chuckled softly.

"What's so funny!?" she asked as she pouted. Riku shook his head.

"Haha, nothing really. I just find it adorable when you try to scold me." he said as he chuckled again. At that, Dawn blushed hard and then gently punched Riku's shoulder.

"W-well, I'm not supposed to be adorable, I'm supposed to be intimidating!" she exclaimed. At that, Riku couldn't help but burst out in laughter!

"Ha, well, if you want to be intimidating, you'll have to do a lot better than that!" he remarked, and at that, Dawn crossed her arms and pouted again, making Riku laugh even more. Soon after, Dawn couldn't help but laugh as well. After a few moments, they both fell silent, and then Riku looked out one of the ship's windows. He gave out a soft sigh. Dawn noticed it and held his hand.

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