Chapter Twenty One: Kyle's Ordeal

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The situation was dangerously tense! Kyle, Raxon and Sky were surrounded by Jexana, Emmxett, Tsumugi, and Jexana's fleet! They were seriously outnumbered and overpowered, so they didn't know what to do! Kyle was shifting his eyes constantly, getting a layout of the surroundings, to see if there was some way he could turn this situation around! Sky was trying to be as brave as possible, but on the inside, he was shivering! Raxon simply remained glaring at Jexana, his eyes piercing like daggers! Jexana merely giggled in delight, enjoying the look Raxon gave her. It was then that she shook her head and gave out a sigh.

"Well...this has been rather unexpected...but, no trouble! This will not get in the way of my plans...for this is all a simple, fun diversion..." she said with a sinister smirk. Raxon clenched his fists and glared intensely at her!

"Fun that what all of this is to you!? Was it a fun diversion when you took everything from me!?" he declared. At that, Kyle and Sky looked at him sadly. Jexana just kept on smirking.

"Haha, well, you were in my way, and so I had to find some way to shake you off..." she stated. At that, Raxon gritted his teeth, and he directly lunged towards Jexana, without even thinking, and his Keyblade clashed with her dark dagger! Emmxett, Tsumugi and the other soldiers were about to intervene, but Jexana shook her head and signaled to let him fight. Kyle and Sky knew that if they tried stepping in, they would only make things worse, so they decided to stay put, and hope that Raxon would be able to win this battle!

Raxon was blinded by his rage, and was swinging his Keyblade violently and aggressively, without any sort of strategy or poise! Jexana was taking advantage of his anger, toying with him and making fun of him! Kyle and Sky couldn't tolerate this! Raxon continued attacking Jexana, but she simply blocked the attacks and then either pushed him or slapped him in the face, all of which just continued to make him angrier! His eyes were flaring now, with an intense and hateful glow! He started to use some of his more advanced attacks, but even then, he lacked precision, so Jexana just kept blocking. Everyone else was serious, looking at the battle unfold before them!

"Heh, you think you're so tough, eh? Well, show me how tough you really are!" she said, as she snapped her fingers, causing dark daggers to materialize behing Raxon! Before he could dodge, he was stabbed on the shoulders, and he screamed in pain! He fell to his knees, and now, he was unable to move his arms! Kyle and Sky were now desperate to do something, but they didn't know what to do! Jexana was laughing, clearly enjoying herself! She then kicked Raxon square in the face! After kicking him a few times, she slapped him and then dropped him to the floor. She then turned him on his back and sat on him, yanking his head and showing it to everyone!

"See this? This is what a pathetic fool looks like!" she said, and her soldiers cheered her on!

"Stop this..." Kyle said. At that, Sky and everyone else looked at him, and Jexana smirked and then signaled Kyle with her finger, as if she hadn't heard what he said.

"What was that, fool?" she asked, teasing him! Kyle clenched his fists and then glared at Jexana.

"I said stop!" he shouted! At that, Jexana simply smashed Raxons' head onto the floor, and Sky gave out a painful gasp! She then smashed Raxon's head a few more times until he was bloodied! Kyle's composure immediately broke, as he then dashed towards Jexana and attempted to strike her, but she simply dodged out of the way! She just laughed hysterically, and Kyle, angered by all this, felt his rage boiling up inside him! He then unsummoned his Keyblade and held Raxon's head! Sky then flew towards them and started to cry, as he saw how badly damaged Raxon was!

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