Chapter Seven: The Heart Of Atlantis

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And so, with the villagers grateful to Kyle, Raxon and Sky for saving their lives from the Heartless, they insisted that the three warriors stay for a few days. And that's precisely what they did. But Raxon made it a point to not stay for too long, only until they rested up enough of their strength. During the next few days that they stayed, Kyle took his time and explored Atlantis, and he felt amazed by all the amazing things he saw! The rich, cultural history of the Atlanteans was evident in the way they lived their lives, and the way they operated as a community! Kyle was impressed by the vast expanse of the city when viewed from above. Giant stone guardians stood watch all around the edge of the city, almost as if they were a line of defense against enemies. Kyle wondered just how much history this amazing city held. While staying in Atlantis, Kyle and Milo Thatch became good friends, and eventually, Milo introduced Kyle to a local native, Kida. Together, they kept exploring the vast city of Atlantis.

"Wow...I never imagined a place like this existed!" Kyle remarked.

"Yeah, I know what you mean! Many archaeologists theorized on why Atlantis disappeared from the surface world, since the city was once above sea at a time. Kida told me everything! She was there when the city plunged into the sea!" he explained.

"Wow, really!?" Kyle asked in wonder. Kida nodded.

"What Milo is saying is right, young Kyle. I was there when this city plunged into the depths...and ever since then, our people have slowly started to fade father refuses to do anything about this...but I am determined to save our people! There has to be a way..." she said, her fist clenched to her chest.

"I know how you feel...I have people I want to save too..." Kyle said as he thought of Trish and Ventus. There was a sudden silence for a moment, and at that, Milo decided to break the ice.

"Anyways guys, I'm starved! Come on, let's go eat!" he said, and with that, they all headed towards the village to grab a bite to eat.

Meanwhile, at the outskirts of the city, Raxon stood, deep in thought. Sky was right beside him, and the two of them didn't say anything to each other for a while. They had been monitoring Kyle very closely, and they wanted to make sure he wasn't going to be a threat for their mission. So far, things were going smoothly. But, Sky still had his doubts, and he felt very uneasy about all this, especially considering Kyle had the power of the Dark Light. But he felt bad as well, for he didn't want to brand Kyle as an enemy, since he seemed so friendly and approachable! Raxon, on the other hand, wasn't too keen on befriending Kyle. Rather, if he could keep as much distance from him as possible, the better he'd feel. Sky sighed and looked at his friend.

"So, what are we going to do now, kupo?" the little moogle asked.

"Nothing. For now, we keep quiet..." Raxon replied, almost in a whisper.

"Why are you talking so softly, kupo?" Sky asked, lowering his voice as well. Raxon discretely turned around to look at his friend, and he crossed his arms.

"We're being watched...and I think Kyle knows it too..." he whispered.

"But who's watching us...?" Sky wondered. At that, Raxon shrugged, and then he signaled to his friend that he was going to change the topic.

"Anyways, Sky, we be having a great and difficult journey ahead of us...there's no telling what's gonna come our way! We just have to keep our trail steady, and we'll be just fine!" the pirate said, and the little moogle nodded.

"That's right, kupo!" Sky replied cheerfully.

After a few minutes, they headed towards the village, and on the way, they met up with Kyle, Milo and Kida, and they all went to eat together. The day was rather calm, overall, yet Kyle, Raxon and Sky were very cautious, and they felt as if someone was peeking at them from their shoulders. They felt restless. Milo and Kida didn't seem to notice. After they finished eating, they went exploring again, and Raxon would stop on occasion to gaze at the giant stone walls and the details of writing that was on the walls. Sky flew in loops and enjoyed himself, spreading his wings and feeling relaxed. After a few more minutes passed, they came to a river, and then Kida turned to Milo.

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