Author's Note

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Hey there everyone, I hope that you've all been enjoying the new year so far! So then, here we are, on the third and final installment of my Keyblade War trilogy! Well, I have to say that, when looking back upon this trilogy, I can't believe I started it in 2011, and ended up finishing it last year!  Five whole years for a trilogy! That's something, huh?  But yes, as I wrote each consecutive installment, I honed my writing skills and improved, and I liked that writing these stories helped me flesh out my writing skills better! That, along with reading stories from other people, including the stories on this site!

And well, what can I say? Kingdom Hearts is amazing, and I'm very happy I was able to write this fanfiction as a way of expressing my love towards the series!  I hope you'll all continue to enjoy this story, and I hope you find this final chapter a satisfying end to this trilogy! I hope you'll keep on reading!

Also, sorry for the delay in chapters! I've been busy these past few weeks, doing multiple things at once, but worry not! I shall get to posting chapters again as soon as I can! 

Thanks for reading! :D

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