The Elephant on the Rug

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In the interval of two weeks, Junith Chambers dropped from the face of the earth, just as if she never existed in the first place. There were no evidence of her anywhere and not her name once floated in any conversation of Percy or Jordan even though I retracted from asking for the childish fear of their questions.

I have to admit, I did not try hard at all, to get a hold of her in reality or through the long lines of telephones but she was yet to go away from the attic of my mind as I was constantly reminded of her in the inexplicable, coincidental and irrational illusions of my mind.

In some evening, I was slinking home from work and found myself in a familiar looking bistro of that orange afternoon even though I was nowhere near in Queens. I lobbed a first glance as I strolled past slowly but no one under the dance of evening light held out any similarity to her.

The second anomaly was on the subway train past Bronx and my dwellings there was questionable but understandable too. A young woman was half hidden behind a shielded morning paper and the patch of brown hair which abandoned the covers of the news, gleamed on the passing light that made me think of her.

I blamed the adulterated perception under stress's name and I was not half wrong but the tidal wave of work came down in between the solution and needless contemplation.

I kept my second meeting with Lammark where there was no place to tip toe around the face but to answer his persistent inquiries about the guardianship issues.

" It does not look too good right now. " I explained with my concerned expression of a cackled eye that became my signature phrase.

" What is it? " He asked frantically a moment later then answered the question himself for his distinct nature.

" It's about the drinking, isn't it? And the smoking and then this and that. " He nodded his head in dire pain as I sat there unmoved.

" I can quit. For Lucy, I'll do anything. . . she's better of with me. "

" I'm sure you are a good father, Mr. Lammark. " My undeniable lie only fanned the fire and the meeting with the mother's lawyer became the jaunty topic.

He nodded and grunted to what I had to say but to my surprise did not say anything at all but in the departure of a couple days, he did something far worse when he punched a man who was being polite of showing Lammar's wife the new house. Lammark had mistaken him for his wife's new spouse or love interest, given the cloud of gossip that she had one, but the linchpin of our unstable plan fell down like dominoes since Lucy, the golden child of his, was present in the whole show of violence.

I was lying flat on Jordan's new living room rug and tried my best to dive down in my own, old and creative golden sorrow but to my surprise I fell dumb, mousy to find nothing else but a numb blank state whilst being thoughtful about nothing in particular.

The telly was blasting on a bottomless volume which I fixed intentionally to muddle Jordan and Percy's fight as the loud tunes of some old renewed song flooded the house carelessly.

Yes, they were fighting and it was rare, maybe rarer than finding a honest politician or the perfect woman, but it was happening at the second with no sense of disbelief as the thrown off blames floated around every corner of the modern architecture.

I was holding the stance of doing nothing rather than being a silent third soul in the house but it was a vague, subtle contribution to their relationship since I had become the anchor of it in some distraught way.

They both are incredibly smart and painfully realistic in the way they lived their lives, at such a scale that even someone cynical like me found a simmer of shimmering hope to breath again from seeing them. Therefore, the frustrated stomps of Jordan from the dining station down the hall to the living room, was a bad omen of an awful footing.

Amelia crashed on the couch before, threw a rude remark at the deafening telly then shut it down as she found me being unemotional and unresponsive to the world. I was listening to every bits and bobs of her crude retorts of the things that were in the wrong places but failed to show a bit of understanding since my silence brew heavier in the air.

Her ranting reached a mark of 20 minutes before she realized my unnerving existence and asked if there was something I had to say but I answered with a nod along with a pout of uninterested imprint of my flabbergasted intentions.

What was supposed to work and their circle of the dance ended to the warm, rich point when Percy's heavy footsteps tried its best to be silent as he tip toed down the hall and peaked from behind the corner. Jordan departed with an angry simper on her lips and with no words as the paired footsteps blended into the silence.

It was the end of their scuffle and the beginning of the usual togetherness since Jordan and Percy would be huddled in each other's arms before midnight dropped by, talking about the reclusive mistake they were being for each other. But in their mind, the responsive epiphany of being grateful for their intimacy came from my presence since I was the perfect example. 

The perfect example of what someone would become when alone and uncared for. 

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