Only Grievers can't smile

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The surprising symmetrical smile subsided on Percy's face, accurate of my expectation but Jordan was too aware to act for the fact that, an unexpected present appeared from myself.

" Is this what I think it is? " She questioned as did her eyebrows hanged in a confused state as I leaned back in newborn smugness.

" Seneca. As promised. "

" This 20th? "

" That's what the print says. "

She still displayed the cynical expression with her squinted eyes exploring the medium sized fronts of a brochure that she was well familiar with.

" But I could be busy. With work . . . and. . . "
" Well, now you aren't. "

Percy's excited disposition blurted another stuttering grunt of excitement as he held out the cards with careful readings of what it said.

Jordan's skepticism finished its investigation on a careful tone then gave birth to a satisfied laughter as she talked over the music in the background.

" How did you get this? "
" Don't question it. " I answered mysteriously in a sinister manner which didn't succeed at being comical for she still looked worried.

" Made a dozen phone calls. These things don't come easy, you know. "

Their excited exchange of words remained muffled into the background noise along with everyone else. The musing of what should be done in this opportunity, of the great escape from the feverish, posh, phony, tiresome life into nothingness of nature seemed surreal and in absolute possibility at the moment.

I spoke in pauses, in the similar tone of the desk clark who represented the packages, the pros and the cons whilst being high on advertisement verbs and clauses.

" It's not practically Mid Summer. But the sun's still warm. And annoying. "

Their laughs rolled in sun and I spotted what I wanted to see in their eyes, just the pure affection for life.

The wonderlust of being lost in nature with no one and nothing else other than themselves.

" I bribed the desk clerk into getting a single cabin. So it's minutes from the lakeside. "

Passing information was useless since Jordan already knew more about Seneca but it was my polite attempt to mimic their happiness. My act was of admiration but it could be easily mistaken and shadowed by their enthusiasm to the factor that, a week later, they would be alone in the cusp of sky, earth and whatever looked enchanting in between.

I assured them, " Everything's prepared. Just call in sick for seven days or more criminally, don't call at all. " Then Jordan took charge of the conversation.

" But why are you doing this, Dion? "

I baffled a glowing confusion as I answered, " What do you mean? "

Jordan felt dumb to since the explanation of her question was easy. I was never too keen and was always too self centered to provide the people I love with presents to show my appreciation.

" I get it. " I waved guiltily as I answered. " I never do anything exciting for you guys. So I thought I would get you this. " I paused as I gazed at the scene. " It's beautiful there. And that's an understatement. And you can obviously enjoy it more than me. "

" Just imagine. " I gratified the air with the sense of borrowed enthusiasm and dreaminess.

" There's a moment in the morning when the sun's not yet heated to her best. And if you sit down at the riverside, all you can hear is the chortle of the water, your feet, the wisps in the tree, the whistle of the background.

And you'll wonder if it was all worth it. Jobs, waking up early, dressing nice and cruel. Society, friendship, your life . . . "

I knew the next word which was hanging on the tip of my tongue but then the raging reality busted in the near of the conclusion where I saw them in their unavoidable, irresistible warmth of togetherness. And I understood that I was under qualified to pronounce the term " Love and happiness " for countable reasons.

There were celebratory hugs and sticky, forced kisses from Jordan on my cheek as I clumsily tried to inch away from her drunken happiness. And soon, the reason of the present disappeared as the future spoke of limitless enjoyment for a limited time.

For them.

And I sat there in petrified loneliness, simply waiting to taste the radiant glow of bliss that poured out of Jordan and Percy.

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