Modern Architecture

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I caught her in an insolent manner at the kitchen when the anguished week failed to produce any elongated phone calls with her voice warping from the other side. The suddenness of my presence startled Jordan well enough but she kept it hidden under her fashioned business suits since she was already due at some apartment showcase in Brooklyn and I joined her in the nonchalant lie that work has been extremely tiresome along with some daily reasons.

" Nah, I wanted to see you too, Jordan. " She produced a confused smile as I launched myself in the car.

But all the lies were in existence as the main objective was Junith whom she mentioned casually as she remained busy in making herself presentable.

The apartment owners were some Mr and Mrs Nobody who eagerly trotted whilst calculating the square footage with their keen eyes. The another pair of men in blue overalls had broken a sweat in the process of fixing a large glass pane that transformed into an open window at the side.

She had seen me straightaway and in the cusp of my entrance, exchanged smiles like strangers; no calling names, brushing hands, soft caresses on shoulders or stepping near with the intent of being friendly.

In reality, it looked blunt as it was supposed to be since no one other than ourselves was aware of our constant meetings.

It was a secret that needn't be an ambiguous feature but metamorphosed itself into a furtive.

It took Jordan a minute or two to be introduced and to ease in to the scenery before she started her confident presentation and every dull detail sprouted out of her mouth. On their departure to the bedroom area, the obvious opportunity opened up as we entered the empty kitchen.

" I was a goddamn fool ! " I exhausted the words in a hushed voice that caught her off guard.

" Just forget what I said then. I got a little carried away. I wasn't being myself. "

She waded a few innocent seconds in complete silence then smiled out as she replied in a calming voice.

" It's alright, Dion. " She assured, leaning on the counter and putting the same smile contracted on her lips.

" It's alright to talk about . . . what I asked. You don't have to be embarrassed about it. "

" No, it's not that. We shouldn't talk about me . . . much. "

" I appreciate that you care . . . but you seem to care too much. " Her smirk spread but it didn't float down on my face as I questioned in a straight face.

" What's wrong with caring too much? "

" It's unhealthy. It makes someone . . . less attentive to facts. "

" And what might that . . . "

My question was set to get a distinct reaction but it fell dumb on the air as it was rudely abrupted when the mechanic's cough portrayed the fact that we were not alone.

I waited for him to pass then quickly stepped to disclose the distance for knowing more.

" What's going on with Carson? Did he say anything ? "

" Such as? " She tilted her head and the clues of a helpless thought seemed to fall down from her face.

" What he usually says. " The strain in her voice was not the fruit of my imagination anymore. It felt real and my awkward agape mouth in question reflected on her calm, quivering disposition.

" And you don't feel assured anymore? "

My inquiry crafted a sick bout of happiness inside me which was born from the troubling idea that her divorce that I had fought against in my own ceaseless way was finally coming true and it felt like an awful victory; as if I longed for this.

I would not lie for the authenticity of my integrity but it did feel like an awful victory of sorts.

" It's a lot, Dion. And it won't make any sense to you. "

" Because you never tell me anything. "

" Whatever it may be. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. "

This time the lips ceased to cause even a polite simper and I knew she stood at the point of breaking down whilst subsiding to something momentarily soothing.

" Will you be? "

" Tomorrow or the other. "

" And when's that? "

" Did you come all the way just to have this conversation? "

" I already have a lousy apartment. " The spark of her smirk felt more sarcastic and grew more tiring in each passing moment.

" You didn't call in the full week. I thought you didn't want to hear from me anymore. "

" Because you told me not to. I was giving you some space. "

The man in the blue overall caused us to behave like strangers for some temporary seconds as he loitered around the kitchen in scrutinizing eyes for something then disappeared behind the corner.

" Tell you what? " I started the offer with my anxiety stricken smile. " Why don't I find you someone else? Someone different. I know well enough people in the city to . . . "

" Dion, just leave it. Where it is. I'm exhausted. "

The echoing voice of Jordan compelled her to walk away in quick paces to the fat corridor where the walls were deprived of any jolly colors or hanged pictures.

Our rendezvous was established when I caught her again.

" What do you mean, you're exhausted? "

" I'm leaving soon. "

This stumped me even though the idea of her departure came to me in my private thoughts since she was not from around here. But it felt as crisp as a lie, something unbelievable which annoyed me.

As if a new role was handed to me, in this play of life. For some silly or real reason, she found me to be the antagonist, a puppet master who twanged at the strings of her mind and directed her in ways which seemed sensible and feasible but were just mere lies and illusions, wrapped in dislocated promises.

" Where? "
" Home. "
" When? "
" This 19th. "
" So soon? "

" I have been here for 4 months. Venture's busy meeting with some suits . . . so that they can expand it to NY. "

I hadn't known her for 4 months and I regret it even though I had no other way of knowing this mischievous mind of Junith Chambers who stood everywhere with an aching forced smile and a head full of moral warfare.

We stood for a moment which seemed like a gloomy long hour at the opposite end of claustrophobic glass balcony where I found myself in the same hand holding distance.

" It's a nice view. Don't you think? " Her voice dashed under a colorless tone which failed to grasp me since she was talking to herself and I had become a blur in this naked apartment with zero furniture and a glorified promise of being taken.

I halted to gaze at her and she looked back without moving her head.

Then I left without saying goodbye to everyone, even Jordan who was entertaining the couple with one of her house warming jokes.

And on my return to nowhere particular, I imagined my current image as a man in blue overalls who wasn't good enough to fix what needed to be repaired.

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