Ain't it Midnight?

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I hadn't been invited, more accurately, the last call from Junith was on the cruel 17th where the information of a farewell party ran across the wires of our phone lines and on to my ear.

Naturally, I assumed my position, as this nameless entity in her life and decided that there was no pleasure for her by being present in her scenery.

Even after acquiring that concrete cynical believe that she didn't want to see me, I ended up at her house at a casual hour of 9 where upon my entrance turned no special, concerned eyes of the present men and women.

Everyone in the feast knew her and I was acquainted with some of them, no one special in particular but took the chance of making small talks with this woman or the tiresome couple who looked distant from each other with a polite formal interest in me.

The music had let midnight linger in and by that hour, some became a bit too tipsy, someone a bit too teary as they hung around near Junith. Farewell hugs, kisses, well wishes and happy promises were all being made at the mouth of the apartment door of Junith till the well suited crowd, drunk in excitement and benevolent in love departed on the few sleepy cars under the strong street lamps.

She exhausted a few more quiet smiles and pondered over the present perspective before I was awarded a slice of her attention when she leaned against the door to hear my offerings.

" I'm sorry for not bringing a farewell gift. I was not even planning on dropping by. " It started of jovially then a sudden word began to wither what I intended to say.

" It's alright. " She answered instantly and unstuck herself from the door to the freedom of pacing on the open space. " They bought so many things, I don't think I need to buy mugs for a year. " Her smile harbored the grateful tone and it stayed there without fading out.

" Aren't people nice, Dion? " She halted in front and gleamed down on my dim lit face whilst I was lost gazing at her. Not in an intrusive way since the wriggling anticipation of a question that was being tossed in my mind couldn't let anything matter.

" Yes. They are nice. They all love you so. " I replied without interest when an unconvincing smile plastered on my face before I started to ask the right questions.

" Did you already finish with Carson? " I asked coarsely and her smile was momentarily taken back before it was reproduced again.

" Yes. He was kind enough to give me a few books to read too. " Junith answered in the same tone, an unusual artificiality was dripping out of everything she was saying.

" To be honest, I was. . .well a little biased about seeing marriage counselors but Dr. Carson isn't like the common things I heard from here and there. " Her excited voice flourished the silent air as her shoes kept clicking back and forth, almost like the restlessness of her own mind which I could comprehend without further thought.

" But you have been a big help. Finding Dr. Carson and keeping this a secret. Lately, I know how much people like to gossip because they find other's pain so . . . entertaining. "

" Thank you, Dion. I knew it was too much to ask from strangers. . .well now we are friends . . . but "

I was not enjoying a single word that fell out of her mouth. In fact, it labeled me more since I did not say the things I planned on.

My faint disposition, at undoubted unease and worry along with silence turned her attention in a moment's play when the clicking of her shoes came to a stop.

The inaudible howling of a pop record that played again and again relentlessly tinged onto my mind when she sat down in the step beside, only professing a bundle of concern for the wrong creature.

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