Chapter 4

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Your POV

I looked at my phone and saw the first three texts and immediately started crying. They were from Lindsay, Chaz, and Ryan.

Lindsays text read "i cant stop crying. I'm litterly shaking in Chaz's arms. Please come back"

Chaz said "Lindsay lost it once you left. Have fun in Cali, and BE SAFE. Love you"

And Ryans well....was just Ryan being Ryan "Yooo your best friend is crazy ;) jokes we all are. Anyway dont get raped up there baby cakes ;) its not like Stratford trust me. Good luck" i whiped my tears and chuckled at Ryans words. I checked the next two texts and they were from Justin.

the first one said "Fredo came home late last night, he will pick you up at the airport and drive you to my place" the second one said "I Love you so be careful xxx"

i didnt answer my friends except Justin cause i knew i would break down. So i answered Justin and then we were there. Well time to go catch my flight.

Justin's POV

i was at the signing for over two hours. The fans kept coming. Wow i love them so much they truly care about me. I've had over 10 people tell me how much they care about me more than themselves and that i look tired and should get more sleep.These Beliebers are so sweet. I had my phone on the tabel and it buzze right as two fans walk up to me. I didnt have time to check it but one of the girls did.

she loooked at me and said "Justin...why does Y/N say 'i love you more' with a heart?"

i wanted to answer carefully so that it didnt seem like we were dating because i mean we're not. I simply chuckled and said "wow with a heart" and smirked

she looked at me seriously and then yelled so everybody can hear "JUSTIN ARE YOU DATING HER WITHOUT TELLING YOUR FAMILY!? AND BY FAMILY I MEAN YOUR BELIEBERS!"

i tried to stay calm and then i smiled and shook my head "No honey. She is just my friend from Stratford that is visting soon" she gave me an i-dont-believe-you look so i just said goodbye and continued meeting other fans.

*4 hours later*

Scooter came put and announced to everyone there "Hello everyone!! *screams* Justin, Kenny and I are all leaving now. I'm very sorry, but for all of you who didnt get to meet him we have free concert tickets to give you. front row!" *screams*

I stood up and said so everyone can hear "Come on they've been waiting for 6 hours! We can do better than that!" the fans screamed louder

Scooter smirked at me and then said "Alright then front row for all of us and meet and greets!"

i smirked at Scooter then whispered "Good Luck getting over 100 free meet and greets all over the country" then chuckled. He hit me light on the shoulder. We waved goodbye and got in the van. Dustin dropped me off first than Scooter and Kenny at their apartment.

Your POV

the first flight went by fast. you boarded your second plane (which is the longer flight), and that flight also went by fast. To your suprise, you were sitting next to Cody Simpson (in first class). He was on his way down to Califronia to get ready for him opening the Believe tour. You guys talked a lot and got to know each other. When you guys touched down in Cali, he winked at you and asked you for your number. You gave it to him and got off the plane. You found Fredo and he helped you with all of your bags, and you got in the car. It was about a half and hour drive from the airport to justins house. Fredo got out and brought my bags in.

He came back and said "Go in there is something you might want to see" than he chuckled

"Ok?" i chuckled, i walked up to the front door. Wow this house is HUGE. I open the door and saw Justin cuddled up sleeping on the couch. He looked so cute. If it wasnt cute enough he was cuddling a blanket and mumbling "Y/N, Y/N come cuddle" in his sleep. Aww <3 I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. His eyes fluttered open




-Krystina ;p

P.S. is you dont know what 'bbg' means its "baby girl"

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