Chapter 53

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Your POV

My jaw dropped and I looked down at my pocket where I could hear my phone ringing. I didn't know if I should answer or not. Well of course I have to answer. I mean Justin said emergencies only! But I can't in front of thousand of people. I looked over at Chaz in a panic. He tried to distract Ellen but she was focused on me. "Aren't you going to answer it?" She asked. I froze and look to my friends for help. "Well it could be important" Ellen said. I couldn't help it anymore. I whipped out my phone and put it up to my ear. Ellen had grabbed my hand so I couldn't leave. Oh god.

I took a deep breath and said "hello?". Justin was on the other line. He sounded like he was crying. He was out of breath and obviously frazzled.

"BABY!" He shouted into the phone. I didn't know how to respond without the audience reacting.

"Yea Justin..?" I asked a bit worried. I tried to stay calm for the cameras. I could tell he was crying now. "Why are you out of breath?" I whispered.

"Baby I know you're in the interview and that's why you can't really say what you want to but I was just feeling so sick. On my break I went out to get some air and I was mobbed my paparazzi and fans. I snapped. I didn't have any security or anything. The paparazzi attacked me. I shouted things I shouldn't have and and-" he was rambling on and was breaking down.

"Justin Justin it's ok" I said in a whisper trying to get avoid the mic from picking it up. I know everyone heard it though. My friends tired to talk over me but it didn't work.

"I CAN'T! I WANT MY BABY" Justin yelled out and his voice got all shaky. "They expect me to go and pose again for more pictures! No one knows what happened! Don't tell anymore! Please" he begged in between sobs. I felt like I was going to cry.

"I love you Justin" I said.

"I love you more" he whispered.

Ellen looked up at me with wide eyes. "SPEAKER! SPEAKER! SPEAKER!" She chanted and got the audience to join in. Ryan grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes. I started shaking.

"I can't" I whispered to Ryan.

"Ask him" Ryan whispered back. Everyone kept chanting.

"Baby?" I whispered.

"Yea" he said back and sniffled.

"How good of an actor are you?" I said in a really low whisper.

"Let me guess. Ellen wants speaker" he said.

"Good guess!" I said.

"Yea like I couldn't hear them all chanting..." Justin said and took a deep breath. "Ok let's do it" he said.

"There's my big strong man" I said and giggled. I put the phone done temporarily and looked over at Ellen. "Ok he says he can" I said to her. The crowd cheered and she smiled. I picked it up and said "ok putting you on speaker"

I was about to press the button when I heard Justin yell out "wait".

"What?!" I said confused. The audience laughed.

"I love you" he said.

I chuckled "I love you too silly goose. Now you're on speaker!" I said.

"Hey Justin" Ellen said.

"Ellen! What's up?" He asked. He sniffled at the end. I hope no one noticed.

"Well nothing really. Just in the middle of a live broadcast to billions of homes around the world. How about you?" She asked and the audience chuckled.

He sniffled again. "Haha well just sitting on the floor talking to you guys" he answered.

"Why you sitting on the floor?" Ellen asked confused.

"Well I'm in the hallway outside my shoot. I just came out here to call y/n on my break" he said.

"Makes sense" Ellen responded. Justin sniffled again. Someone is going to notice. I just know it.

Chaz looked at me confused. He gave me one of those 'are you keeping something from me' looks. I blushed and nodded. He mouthed "I thought so".

Ellen than said "so Justin how's the shoot going?". He sniffled again. No no no no.

"Um.. *sniffle* pretty good I guess...*sniffle*" he answered.

"JUSTIN STOP SNIFFLING IT'S TO OBVIOUS!" I said pretty loud. Everyone went silent and Ellen's jaw dropped. Did I just say that out loud?!

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