Chapter 6

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Justin's POV

I don't know what's up with me but I think I'm starting to get feelings for Y/N. Well to be honest.. I've kinda had a crush on her forever. But since I moved away I tried to forget about it. I guess it's all coming back now that's she's here. Right now were watching 'Mama'. I have to say its kinda freaking me out. I have y/n in my arms covered in a blanket. We're cuddling. Damn why does she have to be so cute. It makes me nervous being around her and looking into her beautiful eyes. Oh god don't get me started on her beauty. All of a sudden I feel like this vibrating. I look down to check if it's my phone, but nothing. Than I realize it's not vibrating at all. It's y/n she's shaking. "Aww babe are you ok?" I asked her.

"Ummm-mm yyee-eaahhh" she said while continuing to shake.

"Do you want me to turn it off?"

"Yes please." She said while hiding her face on my chest.

I turned it off and it went dark. I started to get up to reach to turn the lamp on when y/n's arm grabbed mine.

"No Justin. Don't get up. Please stay here with me". Oh my god she is the cutest. I sat back down and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Justin can we sleep down here? I'm to afraid to get up" she asked.

"Aww beautiful whatever you want. But I could carry you upstairs if you want" I said.

"No. Please juju? Just cuddle me and keep me safe?" She pleaded.

"How could I say no" I said and kissed the top of her head.

Your POV

Justin is so perfect. I never really noticed how impossibly perfect he was until now. Like his lips. Oh wow. His hair, his chocolate brown eyes, his body, his voice, his everything. It's cold downstairs so I'm cuddled into Justin. He smells so good. You know like when you walk into Abercrombie , and you're like damn that smells good? Well take that and times it by like 10000000000 and you have Justin. He's being so adorable too. *I yawn*

Justin looks at me and whispers "Baby I have an interview tomorrow with Jimmy Kimmel." He paused. "Do you wanna come? They want to interview me and um.. A friend." He said.

I turned around really fast and said "HELL YEA! Wait OMG what the heck do I wear!?"

Justin chuckled at me. "Babe you look good in anything so it's up to you." I smiled.

"Goodnight baby" I said.

"Goodnight princess".





- Krystina :))

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