Chapter 20

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Your POV

We were all in like a group hug thing but it was more like team huddle sort of thing. Every single one of us why crying. When Justin said he wished he wasn't famous, we all stopped and looked at him. "Babe! Don't say that! Think about your Beliebers. Think about how much every single one of them love you, and would do anything to meet you. They would take a bullet for you Justin. And I know you would for any one of them. But they love you as much as I love you. And if you ever say that again I will be extremely mad at you!" I said.

Justin had more tears run down his face. "You're right. I'm sorry" he said and wrapped his arms around me. I wiped his tears off and than went over to Lindsay.

"Hey boo. Please ignore them" I begged her.

 Lindsay nodded, and we hugged. "Thank you" she said. We both wiped each others tears away. Next it was time to talk to Chaz and Ryan. I got Lindsay and Justin to come with me.

Justin pulled away and walked up to them. "I love you guys" he said with a tear running down his cheek again. They bro hugged. Than me and Lindsay went over and wiped all there tears away. "Lets go have dinner" Justin said. We all smiled and walked over to the biggest booth they had. It was a circle one so it could seat like 10 but it was fun to have just the five of us. We were all quite for a minute just playing in our phones. Ryan, Chaz, Lindsay, and myself had a plan. We wouldn't let Justin go on Twitter so he wouldn't find out. Chaz got on Twitter and started to tweet.

"@Chazsomers: hey everybody! Come meet the "fab five" at Robbie's in Calabasas. Justin needs some fans to turn that frown upside down". Our plan was just starting. I smirked when I saw Chaz tweeted it.

Justin looked at me and noticed my smirk "what's up babe?" He asked.

"Oh nothing" I said and smiled at him.

"Um ok but why were you-" Justin started to say but than a waitress came. We all got off of our phones and looked up.

"Well hello there" Ryan said in his flirty voice. I giggled and hid my face on Justin's chest. Justin smiled and kissed my head.

"Hello sexy" she said and winked at Ryan. Lindsay started to giggle and nudged Ryan. He blushed. Justin and Chaz chuckled.

"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE JUSTIN BIEBER!" The waitress said.

"Oh haha yea I am" Justin said. I looked up from Justin's chest and moved even closer to him. He put his arm around me.

"You look like you've been crying! Are you ok Justin Drew Bieber?" She asked. Oh great. She knows his middle name.

"Haha don't worry I'm fine now. It's all worked out. So can we order?" Justin asked

"OH! Of course I'm so sorry! But can you sign this for me?" She asked Justin and handed him a piece of paper. He smiled and said of course. He took one arm off of me and signed it. I frowned because I like his cuddles. The girl noticed I frowned and smirked at me. Woah there. Lindsay noticed it too, and she glared at her. Justin signed the paper and then we ordered. After we ordered she asked Justin for yet another thing. "Hey Justin can you sing 'That Should Be Me' for me please?!" She asked and glared at me. Excuse me it seems like this girl is trying to threaten me or something.

"I wish I could my my throat is really so and I'm kinda dizzy. I'm sorry I'm just getting over a cold. Are you coming to my concert next week?" He asked her.

"Aww. PLEASEEEEE JUSTIN!!!??? And duh lol" she said.

Justin frowned "Ok see you there. And.. Um.. Ok.. That Should be me. Holding your hand. That should be me *coughs* making you laugh. That should be me *coughs again* this is so sad-" Justin sang. You could tell he was in pain.

I stopped him. "I'm sorry. But Justin needs to rest his voice for tour. Can you please just get our orders?" I glared at her.

"Oh right. Sure" she glared back.

She left and Justin looked at me. "Don't be jealous baby" he said and smirked. I frowned and looked down. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head "Its only you baby". The food came really fast and next thing you know it was there.

The girl came back again and I laid my head on Justin's chest. "Oh by the way Justin my name is Heather. And I just wanted to give you this for saving my life" she said. She leaned over and kissed Justin on the cheek.

"EXCUSE ME! BACK OFF MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled really loud. Everyone stared at me.

"Oh you're dating?" Heather asked and stepped back. I nodded and flared my nostrils out of anger. I tried to stop but I couldn't. She just glared at me and walked away.

We ate in silence. Once we all finished Justin interrupted the awkwardness. "Girls me and Chaz have a surprise for you" Justin said. He took my hand, and Chaz took Lindsay and pulled us over to the dance floor. The song "The Fighter" by Gym Class Heroes started to play. Justin pulled me close and we started to slow dance. Chaz did the same to Lindsay. Justin whispered in my ear "I know this is your favourite song" he said. I kissed his cheek and than laid my head on his shoulder. We danced for about a minute when Ryan came over with Heather. Urgg I hate that girl. We danced for the rest of the song and when it said "there goes the fighter" the last time at the end of the song, me and Justin made out. I noticed so were Chaz and Lindsay, and RYAN AND HEATHER! Once we finished I started to smile.

Ryan took Heathers hand and told us he was going to her house tonight. Chaz winked at him and said "ahh Ryan getting a lady". Lindsay hit his shoulder because she knew Ryan could do wayyyyyyy better. We all walked out together, each couple hand in hand. With Heather as well.... God I hate that girl. Also I couldn't help feeling something bad was going to happen between her and Ryan.

We walked out and were surrounded by thousands of screams. "Oh wow it worked" I said under my breath.


-Krystina :)))))

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