Chapter 38

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Your POV

Victoria walked out and had tears running down her cheeks. I smiled and Justin had the biggest grin on his face. The dancer brought Victoria over to the chair and she sat down. Justin walked over to her and sat down beside her. He placed a flower crown on her head and ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm gonna put you first, ill show you what you're worth. If you let me inside your world, there's gonna be one less lonely girl" he sang out to her. He stood up and picked her up in his arms and started to dance around with her. "I can pick up your broken heart, give you a brand new start" he continued to sing. Victoria cried and cried and cried. Justin wiped her tears away. At the end of the song he looked at her in her eyes and said "tell everyone your name sweetheart". She said Victoria and he was about to walk her of stage to her mom when he stopped. "Wait can I ask you a question?" He said and looked at he run her eyes. She nodded. "Will you let me be your first kiss?" He asked so sweet. She nodded and he placed his lips on her cheek.

"Awwww" everyone in the audience and all of us backstage said. He pulled away and ran her off the stage to her mom and set her down. "Well I hope you guys have a great night! Here is my phone number so we can see each other whenever I'm here!" Justin said and handed them a piece of paper. The mom smiled and thanked him. Kenny walked them back to their seats. Justin was changing right beside us backstage and he had two minutes because an intro video was playing again.

"That was really nice baby" I said. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you" he said and chuckled. He was shirtless but had a leather jacket on that was open. And navy pants that were sagging really low.

"Do you have to go out in front of thousands of girls like THAT?" I said sarcastically. He chuckled and pulled on his Supras.

He stood up and kissed the top of my head. "Remember you're mine" I said in a whisper. He licked his lips.

"I know princess don't worry" than he ran back out on stage. But looked over at me and smiled. "Ok well I wasn't going to play this song tonight... But I decided I really wanted to. Plus that gives you guys an extra song" he said and chuckled. They all screamed. "This song is for the one of the only person that is there for me 24/7. Y/n, princess, I love you" he said and looked over at me. The fans screamed even louder. Music started for my favourite song by Justin. And he knows I love this song. Never Let You Go. The last time I heard him sing this was the last show of the My World Tour. My eyes started to water. "Oh noo. Ohh noo. Ohh. They say that hate has been sent, so let loose the talk of love. Before they out law the kiss, baby give me one last hug" he sang and never took his eyes off of me. Chaz pushed me so I wasn't hidden in the wing but was on stage where everyone could see me. Justin walked slowly over to me from the other side of the stage, and kept singing

"There's a dream that I've been chasing, want so badly for it to be reality" he said and ripped off his jacket so he was just shirtless singing. He was standing about two feet away from me and I ran over and jumped in his arms. He spun me around and continued singing. We than like slow danced/hugged for the rest of the song. And once it was finished Justin was really out of breath. "I love you" he whispered. But his mic picked it up and everyone screamed. "I love you more" I whispered back. He placed his lips on mine and we started to make out. The crowd screamed even more but the lights went down. Which was most likely Scooter way of telling us "STOP NOW!" Justin chuckled and we ran off stage. He changed again and was about to do back out, but stopped and said "3 more songs than I need some cuddle time with my baby".

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