Chapter 45

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Your POV

We ran through the hall until we got to Justin's door. Scooter had given me an extra key so I unlocked the door. I walked in and saw Justin sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. His breath was shaky but he wasn't crying. "My poor baby" I whispered. A tear rolled down my cheek but I was quick to wipe it away. I went over and sat next to Justin. He looked up. "Hey" I whispered and rubbed his back. He fake smile and looked down at his feet.

Chaz, Ryan, and Lindsay came over and sat on the other side of him. "Jay?" Lindsay said. He looked up at her. She got up and walked over to him and sat on his lap. She kissed his cheek and ran her fingers through his hair. "Promise me you will be ok?" She asked. He smiled and nodded. Than he looked back over at me. Lindsay went back over to Chaz and I stood up and started to walk over to the mirror to fix my hair. But Justin grabbed my hand and spun me around.

"I love you" he said in a whisper. Than he placed his lips on mine and we kissed. After a minute or so I pulled away.

I looked at the time. "What the hell it's already 5! Concert starts in two hours!" I said. Ryan gave me a look, I assumed it was about our plan, so I check my phone for texts. I had two missed calls from Pattie, and 4 texts. The texts were "we landed in Cali. See you soon", "getting a limo to arena. 2 hour ride though" and the last one said "in traffic. Might be three hours. Be there around 8". I put my phone away and everybody got up from the couch. "Babe it's time for meet and greet" I said. Justin went and we all went out and ran around of the stage. I got really bored so I begged Scooter to lift me up on the wings. "OH PLEASE SCOOTER! I WANNA FLY!" I begged for about ten minutes straight until he finally said yes. I had to put on these weird harness things that looked really weird but I didn't care. I got lifted up to the top and started to scream. Not because I was scared but because it was so much fun! Scooter, the rest of the crew, and my friends all laughed at me and took videos.

All of a sudden Justin came running down the center isle on the floor. "I HEARD SCREAMING Y/N ARE YOU OK?!" He yelled.

He looked up and saw that I was having fun and took a deep breath. "Thank god!" He said. Scooter lowered me down and the dancers un hocked me.

"Oh my god Justin you never told me how much fun that was!" I said in between laughs. He chuckled and sat down beside Chaz and Ryan. - 3 hours later- We all walked into the dressing room and Justin put on his first outfit. The opening acts had just finished and he was about to go on. Scooter came and got us all and we had to run out. The countdown was already going, and I got nervous they would hook Justin up on time. They managed to finish and he was ready.

"Be safe! I love you!" I yelled as he started to he lifted up.he blew me a kiss and before I knew it he was out there. We were about half an hour through the concert when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I heard Lindsay scream. I turned around and jumped into his arms.

"CHRIS! OH MY GOD!" I yelled out. He put me down and I couldn't stop smiling. Chris and Caitlin were here but I didn't see anyone else. We talked to them for about two minutes. Than all of a sudden I heard really loud but little screams. They werent coming from the stage either.

"THE FAB FIVE!" I heard Jazzy and Jaxon yell.

"Well four. Your brother is out there" Chaz said and pointed out on stage. Jazzy screamed and started to run towards Justin but we held her back.

"Jazzy don't worry you will get to see him! But we are going to surprise him!" I said. Next Pattie, Erin, and Jeremy were here and we all gave them hugs. After about fifteen minutes of talking, Allison came up to me.

"It's time for One Less Lonley Girl! Lets get your plan going!" She said really excitedly.

I looked over at Pattie and smiled. "You ready?" I asked. Pattie was smiling bigger than ever before.

"Of course!" She said. "I think when I see him, I will start to cry" she added. I chuckled and gave her a hug. Lindsay, Chaz, and Ryan were talking to everybody still while I was getting Pattie ready. The music for the song started.

"Ok you go about half way through the song. I will tell you when. The dancer to the right of Justin will take your hand and walk you over to him. He will guide you from there" I said. She smiled and a tear ran down her cheek.

"Thank you for everything y/n"

 Justin's POV

"I'm gonna put you first! Ill show you what you're worth, if you let me inside of your world. There is gonna be one less lonely girl" I sang. And looked over towards the wing because this is the part the girl walks out. I looked back at the audience because I knew the dancer would have her by now. I danced around a bit and sang the next line "I can pick up your broken heart, give you a brand new start" I sang and did a spin so I was facing the girl. "I can make you belie-" I started to sing but stopped and the music kept playing. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I ran towards the girl and wrapped my arms around her. Well she wasn't just any girl. "Mom" I said and it echoed around the arena

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