Chapter 77

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Justin's POV

There were fans everywhere. I was completely swarmed. I didn't know what to say or do except embrace it. I started hugging a bunch of them and signing things. All of a sudden I heard a girl scream. But this scream was different. It wasn't like the screams I hear everyday when someone fangirls, but rather a scream of pain. I turned around quickly to see a fan being lifted up by a security.

"HEY HEY PUT HER DOWN!" I shouted. The security looked over at me confused.

"She was disturbing the peace" h shouted back over the fans screams.

"SHE'S NOT A DOG! SET HER DOWN NOW!" I shouted even louder. He did as I said and I walked over towards the girl.

"Hey beautiful what's your name" I said to her.

"Y/n" she said and looked down while blushing.

"Y-your name is y/n?? Oh wow" I whispered. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Are you ok Juju?" She asked. I forced a smile on my face and nodded.

"Here are some backstage passes for tonight's show. I have to go now though... See you then" I said and gave her a hug. Next thing I knew I was being escorted in by 10 huge guys. Finally it was quiet. Well semi quiet You could still hear the screams. They were just quieter as we were now inside. I looked back through the glass door and saw the fan named y/n standing there smiling. I smiled back before I was rushed away. All of a sudden two ladies came up to me and started powdering my face.

"No no I'm ok thank you" I said and tried to pull away. But they just kept going.

"Stay were covering any imperfections" they both said back.

"Um ok.." I whispered back and looked down till they were down. They finished and stepped away. Next thing I knew I was being called out on the stage.

"AND FOR OUR NEXT GUEST... THE ONE AND ONLY... JUSTIN BIEBER!" The interviewer said. I wasn't exactly sure who this guy was, as we were in Detroit now and I don't watch any talk shows there... But he looks professional.

Scooter pushed me forward a little and whispered "good luck kid". Then I walked out. The crowd went crazy

I took a deep breath and smiled. I sat down and the guy shook my hand, and said his name was Patrick. I smiled and said I was Justin. He laughed and said "I already know that".

"Oh right.. Aha" I said and looked up at him. He was smiling.

"So how are you doing Justin? Been a wild couple of weeks.." Patrick said. My palms got a sweaty as I started thinking about it all.

"I'm ok... And yea you could say that" I said and looked over at scooter. He motioned for me to smile. So I tried my best to fake it.

"Right. So what happened with Jazzy? I heard she was checked into the hospital" he said. I looked over at him almost furious that he brought that up. I took a deep breath and answered.

"She's fine now. She's actually here, well backstage... She just got pushed down and sprained her wrist. But it was accidental" I said and smiled to the crowd. They cheered a bit.

"Accidental? How did she get pushed down?" He asked.

I had to lie. "Well she wasn't pushed" I said but knew that she was. "She was just accidentally bumped into by a paparazzi and fell over onto her wrist". Patrick smiled.

"Ok so now we got the burning question out of the way... Time to move onto your tour. So what's it like seeing thousands of Beliebers every night?" He asked. Time flew by talking about touring. I mean I love it. I just told him everything

."Ok so thank you very much Justin! Your time on the show was amazing" Patrick said.

"Woah has two hours passed already? Time flys when you're having fun!" I said and smirked at the crowd. They went crazy. I was about to get up when Patrick pushed me back down.

"Before you go Justin... I would like to talk to you about one more thing" he said. I looked up and smiled. A genuine smile. "What happened with you are y/n?" He asked. My heart sank.

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