Chapter 57

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Your POV

I looked over at Ryan. "What the f*ck just happened?!" I said out loud in shock. He didn't answer and just looked down at his feet. I looked over at Lindsay, and she was crying. "Boo what's wrong?" I asked trying to comfort her. She stuck out her middle finger at me and moved closer to Ryan. He put his arm around her and she sobbed. "What?" I whispered confused to myself. I looked at Ryan again "Ry please. Where's Justin?" I asked.

Ryan sighed and looked up at me. "Justin ran out to the bus. So did Chaz. I suggest you go and make sure that they both are still in one piece" he said. I started to hyperventilate or something, and got up and opened the limo door. I ran out and looked around to find the bus. I could see it but it was sort of far away. I started to run, and it was really dark outside since it was now like 9pm. "JUSTIN! BABY! CHAZ! GUYS! JAY! JUJU! PLEASE!" I shouted out trying to be loud enough for them to hear me.

All of a sudden I saw a bunch of flashes. I looked to my left and saw a bunch of paparazzi behind a fence. At least they can't get closer to me. I stuck out my middle finger at them because they were annoying me. They all gasped and I just kept running. They followed me along behind the fence until I reached the bus. I yanked the door open and ran inside.

"JUSTIN!" I yelled once I realized what was happening. Chaz was on one side of the bus and Justin on the other. They were both being held back from each other so they wouldn't fight. I noticed Chaz's lip was bleeding and Justin had a bloody nose. Chris was holding Chaz back, and Jeremy was holding Justin. Pattie tried to calm Justin down, and Caitlin was trying to calm Chaz down, but it wasn't working. Both boys were yelling out things I know they didn't mean. I ran over to Justin with tears running down my face.

"Stop if you love me" I said. He looked confused and than yelled something else out to Chaz. I stood right in front of Justin this time. "Stop right now or I'm leaving you" I said harshly.

He stopped and looked down at me. "Baby no. Please" he whispered shakily. I took a deep breath and looked in his eyes.

"Come to bed. We will sort this all out" I whispered. Justin nodded and took a deep breath. Chaz kept yelling things out and trying to pull free so he could hurt Justin. Jeremy realized Justin had calmed down and let go. Pattie was crying and ran over to the couch. Caitlin was comforting Pattie, and than Jeremy went over with Erin. Justin looked down at me with tears in his eyes.

"This is all my fault" he said. I pulled Justin into our room and shut the door. He sat down on the bed than put his hands in hair. He sighed.

"Ok Justin. I'm tired of you being sad all the time. Just tell me what happened and I promise we will work this out" I said. He looked up and me and held his arms open.

"Come cuddle and ill tell you" he whispered. I chuckled and sat down beside him. We both laid down and he put his arm around me. "Well it all started at the shoot..." He began.

"And?" I asked.

"Well I was posing and all of a sudden felt like I was going to be sick... I looked down and Scooter said I didn't look to good. I ran off set and outside to where I found paparazzi and Beliebers. I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I puked. My Beliebers were worried about me.. But they still wanted pictures and everything. I signed autographs and took some pictures... But than a paparazzi pushed one of them to the ground" he said.

"Oh no" I whispered into his chest.

He looked down at me and said "ready for the worst part?". I nodded slowly.

"I went over to the guy that pushed her, and told him that she didn't do anything to him, and that he shouldn't have done that" he paused.

"But than he got all in my face and started yelling and snapping pictures... So I punched him in the stomach" Justin said.

"JAY!" I yelled in shock. He pulled me closer and didn't say anything.

"What did he do after that?" I asked worried.

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