Chapter 56

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Your POV

"You ok?" I said in a whisper to Justin. He just looked down and shook his head no. "What? Why not?" I asked. He didn't answer. I scooted closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. I knew he wouldn't want to talk so I just took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Poor Justin. All I can do is hope that what he said isn't to bad, and that he will be ok soon. I thought about everything for about ten minutes and then I was asleep.

 Justin's POV

Y/n fell asleep on my shoulder and as soon as I noticed I kissed her cheek and whispered "I love you" in her ear. I let her rest there and looked down at my phone.

I took out my phone and started to text my mom. "I snapped at paparazzi... And.. worse of all Beliebers were there. Really screwed up. Need to talk to you and y/n when were back. Need both of your advice. I love you" I hit send and looked over at Ryan. He was on his phone as well. I looked over at Chaz and Lindsay. They were both on their phones, but Chaz had his arm around her. I sighed and was about to close my eyes

Chaz said "Jay?".

I sat up a bit, careful not to wake y/n, and said "yea".

"What happened with you? I mean what's happening" he asked. My eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" I asked pretending like I didn't know.

"Your keeping something from us" Chaz said. Ryan and Lindsay looked up from their phones and over at me.

"No I'm not" I said in a low voice.

"Bro. Come on. I've known you since we were two. I know you are. Just tell us" Chaz said. I looked down at my feet and took a deep breath.

"Yea what is it bro? Is y/n pregnant or something?" Ryan asked. Lindsay's jaw dropped and looked directly in my eyes

"Let me tell you something Bieber! IF YOU EVER DID THAT TO HER, WITHOUT IT LIKE BEING PLANNED OR WHATEVER, I WILL KILL YOU! If that's what it is, just let me tell you, you will lose all your fans, your family will be embarrassed by you, and I will never talk to you again!" She shouted.

I chuckled a bit and looked up at her. "I guess you will never talk to me again than" I said sarcastically. She stood up in the middle of the limo

"WHAT!!!" She yelled. I started to laugh and Chaz pulled her back down on his lap. We all laughed and she calmed down a bit.

"Don't cross me Bieber" she said and glared at me. We all stopped laughing and there was a minute of silence.

"So?" Ryan asked.

"So what?" I said back.

"What's up with you!" Chaz said a bit louder.

"I'm not telling you. It's personal, and it will all be worked out soon. Ill tell you later" I said starting to get annoyed.

"Tell me now or ill get y/n to leave you somehow" Chaz said. Lindsay smacked his arm. I looked down.

"You wouldn't do that. Just stop Chaz" I said.

"You know what Bieber, I wouldn't do that because I love y/n, but honestly I'm getting tired of you. For the past three days you've been in a pissy mood and don't seem to care about any of us. I haven't even seen you kiss y/n!" Chaz said.

I looked down because I was getting really angry. I just wanted to explain. I've been in a bad mood because I'm sick, I haven't kissed my baby because I'm sick, and I care about them more than anything. I took a deep breath trying not to freak out at him.

"Chaz-" I started to say but he interrupted me

"No Justin. Just shut up. I'm so tired of you". Anger started building up inside of me, and I started to shake.

"CHAZ YOU KNOW WHAT IM GOING THROUGH SOME HARD SHIT RIGHT NOW AND YOU BEING A F*CKING ASS DOESN'T HELP ME OUT AT ALL! JUST GO! IM SO F*CKING DONE WITH YOU! DONT TALK TO ME AGAIN!" I shouted. The car stopped and I realized we were home. "F*CK ALL OF YOU!" I yelled and got out of the limo. I slammed the door and ran to the bus.

Your POV

I heard Justin yell something and the door slam. I opened my eyes and saw all my best friends with their mouths wide open. "What? What happened?" I asked and yawned.

Chaz opened the door on the other side of the limo and said "Im leaving tomorrow. Make sure you tell your boyfriend"

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