Chapter 39

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Your POV

Justin ran out and was standing on the stage in the pitch black. The lights came up and the crowd screamed. He introduced his next song than sang his heart out. Next was Believe and he sat down at the white piano. The crowd screamed really loud. He looked out and just kind of was in shock. "Woah" he said into his mic and took heavy breaths. The crowd shouted. "Before I start this next song... I just want to tell you guys that... Well.... I love all of you. And I don't want any single one of you to ever give up on your dreams. Ever. My mom told me that..." He said and looked down and took a deep breath. The crowd screams got louder and louder. I could tell Justin missed his family. "My mom is a very smart lady. Because if you Believe in your dreams any thing can happen" Justin said. And the words echoed around the arena and in my head.

Wow. He is so cute and inspirational. I really do have the best boyfriend possible. The music to Believe started and Justin sang. Once the song finished he ran off stage because there was another intro video. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed the top of my head. "I miss my family" he said and looked really sad.

"I know baby. We will Skype them all tonight. Oh and Scooter said we have to do a Live Stream" I said back. Justin nodded than pulled away.

"1 more song princess" he said and ran under the stage so he could be like lifted up. Once he was up he talked a little to his fans. "Well guys I'm sorry to say that the show is almost over" he said. The fans screamed. "But I do have he more song for you guys. A really special song" he said and chuckled. They screamed again. "Well I have a question for all of you... Who wants to be my baby?" He asked

They screamed even louder than when he first came in on the wings. The music for Baby started and he sang really well and never missed a note. The song was almost over now. "Well now I'm gone, gone, gone, now I'm goneeeee" he sang and he started I be lower down back under the stage because the concert was done. "GOODNIGHT! I LOVE YOU GUYS!" He shouted out. Than it was all over. The lights turned back on and we all ran under the stage to congratulate Justin.

As soon as I saw him I shouted "JUJU!" I ran over and just jumped into his arms. He caught me and I kissed his cheek. He chuckled. He was all sweaty and gross but he was just so adorable. I handed him a water bottle and a towel for him to wipe himself off a bit and he did. Scooter came over to us all than.

"Ok 'Fab Five' once you open that door you are outside by the tour buses. Fans will be behind the fence still and I want you to wave or whatever. Do not get close, because I need you to all get some rest and if you start talking to them you will be out there for hours" he said to us. Justin nodded and took my hand. Dan had handed Chaz and Ryan something, than gave Justin something in his other hand but Justin hid it behind his back and covered it with a towel. I was curious, but was honestly just so tired and we needed to get on the bus so we could start driving again. I held the door open for Chaz and Lindsay to go out first. The screams got really loud. "Wow Justin there is a lot of them out there" I said in a whisper. He nodded.

"Gotta love them" he said.

I looked out the little crack I left the door open and saw that Chaz was squirting Lindsay with silly string. She was laughing but was yelling out "EWW STOP!" and tried to run away. But Chaz didn't stop and chased after her in our little gated area.

"CHAZ! STOP!" I yelled and ran out. The fans saw me and screamed more and cried. Its weird having people cry when they see me... I ran over to Chaz and tried to take the silly string for him but he just kept spraying Lindsay. Next Ryan yelled out and started spraying me.

"AHH! JUSTIN HELP! JUSTIN!" I yelled out. Just as I said his name the fans freaked out even more. Justin ran out and the fans went absolutely insane. He stood in between him and the silly string getting himself all covered in it. "Well thanks Jay" I said and chuckled.

"Don't thank me" he said and winked. He turned around and started spraying me himself.

"JUSTIN!" I yelled annoyed but giggled

Dan ran out and gave me and Lindsay silly string cans as well. We sprayed the boys back and it was just like a big silly string war. We all were laughing and having so much fun. Justin threw his can to the side. "STOP IM OUT!" He yelled and tried to hide behind the bus. He couldn't go in because we were the first ones out and it was locked. I looked over at all the fans that were crying and screaming out to us.

"Do you guys think I should stop?" I asked and chuckled.

"NO!" They all yelled. Justin looked over at them and pouted

"thanks a lot" he said sarcastically. I ran after him spraying him more and more.

"SCOOTER! KENNY! HELP!" Justin yelled laughing and running while trying to hold his pants up.

"Maybe if you wore a belt this would be easier" Ryan yelled out and chuckled.

 Scooter came out with Kenny. "What the f*ck is going on here?" He said and laughed.

I sprayed Scooter in the face and said "silly string fight". He ran after me and grabbed the silly string out of my hands and sprayed me with it.

"Eww Scooter!" I yelled. Justin ran over and scooped me up in his arms. Scooter laughed and put the can down.

"Ok well you guys need to rest up now" he said and went over to unlock the bus. Alfredo came over and took a picture of us all covered in the gooey and gross string and posted it on Instagram. We all waved goodbye to the fans and tried to take as much string off us as we could before we got in the bus. We all got in and sat down on the couch. I sat on Justin's lap, Lindsay on Chaz's, and Ryan beside us. 

Scooter, Kenny, and the rest of the crew all went to the bunks and fell asleep. We started to move and heard the screams get further and further away. "Great job tonight Justin" I said and chuckled realizing we all still had silly string everywhere.

"Thank you babe" he said and leaned in towards me. Our lis were an inch apart when my laptop started to ring. I opened my laptop and checked what it was. It was a Skype call. Justin stared at the computer with his mouth wide open.

"Mom" he whispered.

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