☾Chapter 2 - That Tiny Bastard☽

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*(Y/N) POV*

The three of us soon arrived at the head-quarters, and already outside the doors I could hear many shouts from inside the building, and out behind. "Tch" I heard the short man say, "Noisy brats" I furrowed my brows, tears continually stroking down my cheeks. I couldn't force them in. Not like I usually could. All I could do was force myself from wailing. The raven haired man, I still couldn't recognize, threw me off his shoulder and onto the ground.

I landed with a thud, groaning at the pain surging in my legs. Levi noticed my tears, and crossed his arms, face stoic. "Stand up" He ordered, eyeing me with complete boredom. I winced in pain as I attempted to lift myself onto my feet, but I couldn't pull myself to, causing me to flop back onto the ground. "Tch" The man exclaimed, kicking my side. "I said, get up" He repeated. I scowled, taking a shaky breath.

Why am I in so much pain? I was simply thrown to the ground and kicked! I can get up... What's wrong with me? I struggled to stand once again, and again fell onto the ground. "Can't even follow simple orders?" Levi questioned, leaning in closer. This time, anger was tugging on my tongue.

"WELL! Maybe if I wanted myself to stand instead of being ordered to, I could!" I snapped at the man. Then, it hit me! This was... Corporal Levi. My eyes widened upon reaching this conclusion. Humanity's strongest...

Levi frowned at this, kicking me with more force. "Is this how you talk to someone of higher ranking?" Levi replied, almost shouting. I glared at him, as he grabbed the chains connecting my hands, and lifting them up, causing me to be pulled up with them. A shocking burst of pain surged through my wrists as I was pulled to my feet.

"Get moving" He demanded, quieter. My face was inches away from his, as he shoved me forward. I stumbled on my feet, but regained balance as I was taken down into what seemed to be a dungeon.

I was escorted down into a cell, a guard opening the gate for me to be let in. But, I struggled against Levi's force as he nudged me into the cell. After what seemed to be a minute of so, I was shoved into the cell, the gate being slammed afterwards. I stumbled on air, then turned to face Erwin, Levi and two guards whose back I got a good view of.

Erwin glanced at Levi, a serious expression on his face. "Well, do what you need to do" Erwin exclaimed, "I'll take care of your squad" Levi nodded, Erwin leaving afterwards. My brows furrowed.

"What do you want with me?" I inquired, shuffling up to the bars of the cell. Levi inched forward, crouching down.

"Give me your foot" He ordered, reaching his hands through the bars. I gave him a confused look, him simply shaking his hands, waiting for my foot. So, I lurched it forward, falling on my butt after doing so. "Idiot..." Levi mocked, grabbing the shackles around my feet and unlocking them.

After doing this, I got up to my feet, Levi stepping back. "Again, what do you want with me?" I questioned further, wanting an answer. Levi simply crossed his arms, tilting his head, as if playing stupid. The room was silent, until Levi finally replied.

"I suppose I found you..." He hesitated once again, "I found you interesting" I arched a brow, not satisfied with this answer. "That's hard to believe. You see, I'm pretty boring" I replied.

Levi sighed, shaking his head. "No. You're wings. They're interesting" I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about my wings. It was a touchy subject ever since I could remember. All I know, was, as soon as I received these, everything I knew was gone. I hated them for that. I didn't realize I was staring off into space, as soon Levi was close to the bars. I jumped slightly at his appearance, then retained my composure.

"I still don't get how you find me... And why you had to ki-" My mind had slipped the thought. My friends... They're dead. Gone. There was a long, painful pause until I collapsed onto the ground, shaking. My (H/L) (H/C) was hiding my eyes as I stared at the ground.

"(Y/N)" Levi exclaimed, crouching down once again, trying to gain eye contact. I could feel my lip twitching, my stomach twisting as the memory replayed in my head. Over. And over. And over. It wouldn't stop. Next thing I knew tears were once again falling from my eyes. "(Y/N)" Levi repeated, leaning in closer towards the bars. I whipped my face towards him, staring into his grey eyes.

"You're a monster." Levi's brows furrowed, him letting me continue, "You let them kill my friends, you prison me all because I'm fascinating. You treat me like I'm some merchandise. You kick me like I'm a piece of scrap metal" I took a deep breath. "I won't stand for it" I exclaimed, shoulders still shaking.

Levi tilted his head, continuing to stare into my (E/C) eyes. It was making me uncomfortable, so I averted my eyes. "If you're trying to gain sympathy" Levi began, causing me to return my gaze towards him. He stood to his full height. "I'm not one to sympathize" With that, the corporal exited the jail, muttering things to himself I couldn't hear. Like I cared. He didn't, why should I.

That tiny bastard.

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